niedziela, 18 grudnia 2022

...choć nieproszony panu odpowiem

wielce szanowny Eugene Czolij[1]

...już niechby tylko w odautorskim cyklu "kto pyta nie błądzi" sobie i Muzom nieustającą intencją by nie dać się zwariować.

Logika Kartezjusza którą pan koronnym argumentem na poparcie swoich racji przywołuje to

- idąc na skróty - matematyka /kto woli "porządek geometryczny"/ zatem

na sposób oczywisty metoda "na Münchausena"[2] jaką pan swoim wywodem praktykuje

prowadzi na manowce

...każda wojna o ile nie mylę się w swojej tu niekompetencji problemowej to statystyka (...)

w żadnym razie nie racja 

a już na pewno nie intuicja

"...Wars are won on instinct..." j.w. "BBC News" by Nicholas Watt

"...President Zelensky has sensed what is going on," the source said. "So he has been talking to Rishi. He is trying to inspire him, saying the UK are the great liberators, the great fighters. We need you. Rise to that..." co "w odpowiedzi usłyszał"

"...the audit, known as a data-driven assessment, is designed to assess the progress of the war and the significance of the UK's military contributions to Ukraine. 

The source said: "This is about looking at what we have put in, what we have got out."..." j.w.

znad jeszcze tymczasem tylko kubka kawy wydaje się zasadnie

"...Russia’s mobilisation effort has been widely disparaged, with countless stories of inadequate kit and disgruntled conscripts. Ukraine’s general staff and its Western partners are more wary.


the fact that they can mobilise so fast is an early-warning dilemma for Ukraine and ultimately for nato.” Schemes run by Britain and the European Union can train around 30,000 Ukrainian troops in 18 months, he says. Russia has been able to conjure up five times as many new soldiers in a fraction of the time..." j.n.

...nie wspominając przy tym o takich niechby tylko

Falklandach z hiszpańska Malvinas zwanymi[3] - czystej wody "Moralność pani Dulskiej" w wymiarze imperialnym

zastąpiona dziś nad Tamizą "Karierą Nikodema Dyzmy"...

dopełnioną Zelenskym na drugim planie w roli Rigoletta i Ukrainą robiącą za Gildę

w weekendowej interpretacji biegu zdarzeń by T.L.


[1] "... is president of the Ukraine-2050 nongovernmental organization and served as president of the Ukrainian World Congress from 2008-2018. Ukraine-2050 was established to help implement within one generation – by 2050 – strategies for the sustainable development of Ukraine as a fully independent, territorially integral, democratic, reformed and economically competitive European state." j.w.

[2] "...In 1968, Hans Albert coined the term Münchhausen trilemma to describe the philosophical problem inherent in having to derive conclusions from premises; those premises have to be derived from still other premises, and so on forever, leading to an infinite regress interruptible only by circular logic or dogmatism. The problem is named after the similarly paradoxical story in which the Baron saves himself from being drowned in a swamp by pulling on his own hair..." - Baron Munchausen - Wikipedia

[3] Falklands War - Wikipedia