środa, 21 grudnia 2022

...jeśli czytam

...przez wzgląd na porę jeszcze tymczasem tylko przy kolejnym kubku kawy za "The Kyiv Independent" by Oleg Sukhov[1]

"President Volodymyr Zelensky on Dec. 20 signed into law a bill on the Constitutional Court that may derail Ukraine’s European integration.

The bill regulates the selection of Constitutional Court judges.

It has been criticized by Ukraine’s civil society and the West because it fails to give foreign experts a crucial role in assessing the integrity of candidates for Constitutional Court jobs.

As a result, the President's Office will be able to handpick loyalists and fully control the Constitutional Court, according to legal experts and anti-corruption activists..." 

i dalej...

"...Ukraine's foreign partners and civic activists have called for giving foreign experts a crucial role in the process by ensuring that their vote will prevail. However, the Ukrainian authorities have refused to give them such a role.


On Dec. 9, G7 ambassadors said that foreign experts should have a crucial role in the selection of Constitutional Court judges.


On Dec. 19, the European Commission for Democracy through Law, known as the Venice Commission, also criticized the bill, saying that there must be four foreign members and three Ukrainian ones on the panel..." tamże


...w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologu z braku innego wyboru na tym poprzestanę

już choćby z tej racji by nie zapytać

o co publicznie jak i "Putina" tak i "Zelenskyego" w dobrze pojętym interesie...


...pytać nie powinienem...


[1] "Hello! My name is Oleg Sukhov, the guy who wrote this piece for you.

I was born in Russia and moved to Ukraine in 2014 because I couldn't stand the suffocating atmosphere of that totalitarian country. I used to think it might be possible to transform Russia into a liberal Western-oriented country. Now it's clear that it's a lost cause. But at least I can atone for the crimes of my homeland by exposing its barbaric aggression against Ukraine and providing objective and independent coverage of what is going on there. I'm also trying to contribute to Ukraine's transformation into a full-fledged Western liberal democracy strong enough to defeat Russia.

Our publication needs help from every one of you — support Ukrainian wartime journalism, become a patron of the Kyiv Independent..."

źródło j.w. "The Kyiv Independent"