piątek, 30 września 2022


it was an act of sabotage, it has damaged pipelines that were built by Kremlin-controlled Gazprom (GAZP.MM) and its European partners at a cost that ran into billions of dollars.

The damage also means Russia loses an element of leverage it still had over Europe, which has been racing to find other gas supplies for winter, even if the Nord Stream pipelines where not pumping gas when the leaks were discovered, analysts say.

Whoever or whatever is to blame, Ukraine may also be a beneficiary. Kyiv has long called for Europe to halt all purchases of Russian fuel - even though some gas still runs to Europe across its territory. Disrupting Nord Stream brings Kyiv's call for a full Russian fuel embargo closer to reality..."
- j.n.

...za Agencją "TASS" ? - w żadnym razie, to

"Reuters" by Joanna Plucinska[1]

...stosownym odnotowaniem na dobry początek kolejnego weekendu

w kontynuacji monologów z mijającego tygodnia

środa, 28 września 2022  Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...niezobowiązującym odnotowaniem na marginesie  ,