sobota, 1 października 2022

...jeśli nawet

..."...few US and European military personnel are aware of the Trilateral Brigade’s existence..." - j.n. bez wątpienia Zelenskyy wie co mówi...

"...“We trust each other, we help each other and we protect each other. This is what the Alliance is. De facto. Today, Ukraine is applying to make it de jure,” Zelenskyy said during a video address..."[1]

a reszta nie dziwi...

"...Ukraine’s announcement that it was seeking an accelerated entry into NATO came as a surprise to the Biden administration, according to two U.S. officials familiar with internal discussions..."[2]


"...The Trilateral Brigade occupies a gray space.

While multinational units are not uncommon - the Dutch-German Tank Battalion 414, for instance, was founded in 2016 - a joint unit composed of NATO members (Polish and Lithuanian) and non-NATO military personnel (Ukrainian) is obviously rare..."
/interlinia T.L./

i dalej

"...This presents both opportunities as well as risks that must be managed in order to take advantage of those opportunities..." - j.w. za "Modern War Institute".

...sugeruję że... ? - niczego nie sugeruję tylko...

w poprawności monologu czytam i cytuję

"...NATO is an organization built on the principle of consensus.

While this is a critical means of keeping the most successful military alliance in the history of the world together, it also means that even limited activities are difficult when some members are resistant.

Here is where an organization like the Trilateral Brigade proves extraordinarily useful.

The brigade is a joint training mission, and a lot of activities fall under the category of training - activities that could have direct impacts in the ongoing war in Ukraine, for example.

The brigade can therefore play a positive role by enabling Eastern European NATO members who want to lean into what they see as a broad-based confrontation with Russia - what may turn out to be a long conflict of which the war in Ukraine is just the most active and kinetic front - and those further West that might wish to keep the conflict at a distance.

These different tolerances for risk point to the range of very real divisions among NATO members and are a foundation of Russia’s strategy of steadily weakening the alliance by exploiting any fissures.

The Trilateral Brigade helps bridge these gaps and thus protect against this Russian strategy..."

...przez wzgląd na porę przy jeszcze tymczasem tylko kolejnych kubkach kawy

..."...One caveat is that highly motivated Trilateral Brigade members and their governments may have higher risk acceptance thresholds than the United States and some other NATO country planners; this brings the discussion back to the fundamental concern over escalation described earlier.

During our interviews in Poland, we regularly encountered dismissive attitudes toward the risks of Russo-Ukraine War escalation in interactions with the brigade’s personnel and various other members of the three countries’ armed forces.

While there is significant alignment of partners’ strategic aims, coupled with significant capabilities, differing assessments of risk pose the possibility that recipients of assistance will use resources in aggressive and provocative ways that are not to Washington’s tastes and would concern NATO partners.."
 - j.w. usma edu

cartoon © by T.L.
