niedziela, 15 maja 2022 nie geopolityka[5] a...

 grawitacja ? - pytam jeśli czytam

..."...A militarily, economically, and culturally powerful country exerts influence on other states by its mere presence, the way a larger body in space affects the behavior of smaller bodies through its gravitational pull..." - j.n. za "Foreign Affairs" by Robert Kagan[1]

...i zaraz dalej  obszernym cytatem 

"...Even if the United States was not aggressively expanding its influence in Europe, and certainly not through its military, the collapse of Soviet power enhanced the attractive pull of the United States and its democratic allies.

Their prosperity, their freedom, and, yes, their power to protect former Soviet satellites, when combined with the inability of Moscow to provide any of these, dramatically shifted the balance in Europe in favor of Western liberalism to the detriment of Russian autocracy.

The growth of U.S. influence and the spread of liberalism were less a policy objective of the United States than the natural consequence of that shift.

Russian leaders could have accommodated themselves to this new reality.

Other great powers had adjusted to similar changes.

The British had once been lords of the seas, the possessors of a vast global empire, and the center of the financial world. Then they lost it all. But although some were humiliated at being supplanted by the United States, Britons rather quickly adjusted to their new place in the firmament.

The French, too, lost a great empire, and Germany and Japan, defeated in war, lost everything except their talent for producing wealth.

But they all made the adjustment..."
 - j.w. /interlinie T.L./

"...Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus..."[2] ? - jeśli to...

Rosja, Chiny, Europa i Globalne Południe /"Global South" z angielska/[3]...

inny układ planetarny...

"...the remarks by Draghi, Scholz and Macron seem at cross-purposes with what the Ukrainians, the British and the Americans are saying.

While Western European leaders appear to want the war to end quickly and everything to “return to normal” as soon as possible, what’s being propounded by leaders in Kyiv, London and Washington holds out the likelihood of a much longer conflict and greater Western involvement, as well as more state-of-the-art arms.

Unlike Draghi, Scholz and Macron, they see little reason to negotiate - at least at this stage. “Nothing is impossible, I suppose, but I just cannot see for the life of me how we can renormalize relations with Putin now,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in a radio interview Thursday..."

...czytam zaraz "obok"

a jak przeczytałem dopowiem

"Porwanie Europy" to mit grecki wielce szanowny panie Kagan...

jak i pana "...they all made the adjustment..." - czas globalnej hegemonii Ameryki bezpowrotnie minął i 

Biden, Lloyd Austin, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, Ben Wallace 

o von der Leyen i Zelenskim nie wspominając...

razem do kupy wzięci są "masą politycznych intelektów" za mali by grawitacyjnie

"...a larger body in space affects the behavior of smaller bodies through its gravitational pull..."  -  j.w. za "Foreign Affairs" by Robert Kagan

...resztę Świata kolejny raz zniewolić - dobrą radą na koniec udanego weekendu i

początek równie dobrze zapowiadającego się tygodnia by T.L. prowincjonalnego poety

...barowego - zapomniał bym dodać...

[1] "...Robert Kagan [...] is an American neoconservative scholar, and critic of U.S. foreign policy and a leading advocate of liberal interventionism.

A co-founder of the neoconservative Project for the New American Century,

Kagan was an early and strong advocate of military action in Syria, Iran, Afghanistan as well as to "remove Mr. Hussein and his regime from power".

In January 2002, Kagan and Kristol falsely claimed in a Weekly Standard article that Saddam Hussein was supporting the "existence of a terrorist training camp in Iraq, complete with a Boeing 707 for practicing hijackings, and filled with non-Iraqi radical Muslims".

Kagan and Kristol further alleged that the September 11 hijacker Mohamed Atta met with an Iraqi intelligence official several months before the attacks.

The allegations were later shown to be false..."
 - Robert Kagan - Wikipedia

[2]  "Americans Are From Mars, Europeans From Venus" /"Books of the Times" Published 2003/

[3] Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...dlaczego USA przegra na Ukrainie ? - pozornie... ( gdzie odnotowuję, że jestem "..."Grey alien" - według amerykańskiego neurologa, pana Steven Novella będącego
...ucieleśnieniem psychokulturowej ekspresji inteligencji..."

[5] "...Two famous security advisors from the cold war period, Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, argued to continue the United States geopolitical focus on Eurasia and, particularly on Russia, despite the dissolution of the USSR and the end of the Cold War. 

Both continued their influence on geopolitics after the end of the Cold War, writing books on the subject in the 1990s-Diplomacy and The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. The Anglo-American classical geopolitical theories were revived.

Kissinger argued against the belief that with the dissolution of the USSR, hostile intentions had come to an end and traditional foreign policy considerations no longer applied. "They would argue … that Russia, regardless of who governs it, sits astride the territory which Halford Mackinder called the geopolitical heartland, and it is the heir to one of the most potent imperial traditions." Therefore, the United States must "maintain the global balance of power vis-à-vis the country with a long history of expansionism."

After Russia, the second geopolitical threat which remained was Germany and, as Mackinder had feared ninety years ago, its partnership with Russia. 

During the Cold War, Kissinger argues, both sides of the Atlantic recognized that, "unless America is organically involved in Europe, it would later be obliged to involve itself under circumstances which would be far less favorable to both sides of the Atlantic. That is even more true today. 

Germany has become so strong that existing European institutions cannot strike a balance between Germany and its European partners all by themselves. 

Nor can Europe, even with the assistance of Germany, manage […] Russia"all by itself. 

Thus Kissinger believed that no country's interests would ever be served if Germany and Russia were to ever form a partnership in which each country would consider itself the principal partner. [...] Without America, Britain and France cannot cope with Germany and Russia; and "without Europe, America could turn … into an island off the shores of Eurasia." Geopolitics - Wikipedia /interlinie T.L./