niedziela, 8 maja 2022

...jeśli pan Scott Morrison premier Australii publicznie zapewnia, że...

na Solomon Islads nie będzie chińskiej bazy 

"...The prime minister had warned that establishing a Chinese military base in the Solomons would be crossing a “red line”..." - j.n. jest to...

nic ponad jak tylko

dopuszczalnie prawdopodobne...

odwrotnie do tu i teraz w Europie

pytaniem oby jak najdłużej bez odpowiedzi

- Dlaczego ? - w oryginale

"...What's puzzling is that they have not yet responded more forcefully, since the political groundwork for such an escalation had been laid long ago..." - j.w. /by "...Yuri Zhukov, an associate professor at the University of Michigan..."/

...niezobowiązującym odnotowaniem z nadzieją na dobry początek kolejnego tygodnia i

kolejnych po nim...

"...In June 2015, both Canada and the United States announced that their own forces will not support or train the Azov regiment, citing its neo-Nazi connections.

The following year, however, the US lifted the ban under pressure from the Pentagon.,,"

Czy dobrze rozumiem, w 2016 ? - tym samym 2016 kiedy to

"...In 2016, Facebook first designated the Azov regiment a “dangerous organisation”.

Under the company’s Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, Azov was banned from its platforms in 2019. The group was placed under Facebook’s Tier 1 designation, which includes groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and ISIL (ISIS). Users engaging in praise, support or representation of Tier 1 groups are also banned.

However, on February 24 [2022], the day Russia launched its invasion, Facebook reversed its ban, saying it would allow praise for Azov..."
 - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ..."bądź tu mądry i pisz wiersze"... (