poniedziałek, 7 marca 2022

..."bądź tu mądry i pisz wiersze"...

"NEW YORK, March 6. /TASS/. NATO does not harbor animosity towards Russian people, nor does it question Russia’s status as a world power, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in an op-ed published by The New York Times on Sunday..."

...i dalej

"..."We have no hostility toward the Russian people, and we have no desire to impugn a great nation and a world power," he said, pointing out that "Ukraine had no serious prospect of NATO membership in the near future."

"This is not a NATO conflict, and it will not become one. No ally has sent combat troops to Ukraine," the UK prime minister noted..."


"...Earlier, he proposed to NATO allies to support the international plan of action on Ukraine. It includes mobilizing an international humanitarian coalition, providing defensive equipment to Kiev, maximizing the economic pressure on Russia, preventing "any creeping normalization" of Russia’s actions in Ukraine, seeking diplomatic paths towards de-escalation yet only if "the government of Ukraine has full agency in any potential settlement," as well as bolstering Euro-Atlantic security..." - j.w.

"...While sympathies for Ukrainians trying to escape Russian bombs and tanks currently run high, only time will tell how long these attitudes last. Serena Parekh, an expert on the ethics surrounding displacement and refugees with Northeastern University, warns that if dialogue around Ukraine's plight is not maintained, the situation could devolve into a scenario that would fit neatly into Russian President Vladimir Putin's political playbook.

"A refugee crisis could play into Putin's strategy if his goal is to destabilize Western democracies and cause right-wing backlash and the rise of authoritarian leaders," Parekh tells Newsweek..."
- j.w.

..."...In June 2015, both Canada and the United States announced that their own forces will not support or train the Azov regiment, citing its neo-Nazi connections.

The following year, however, the US lifted the ban under pressure from the Pentagon.,,"

Czy dobrze rozumiem, w 2016 ? - tym samym 2016 kiedy to

"...In 2016, Facebook first designated the Azov regiment a “dangerous organisation”.

Under the company’s Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, Azov was banned from its platforms in 2019. The group was placed under Facebook’s Tier 1 designation, which includes groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and ISIL (ISIS). Users engaging in praise, support or representation of Tier 1 groups are also banned.

However, on February 24 [2022], the day Russia launched its invasion, Facebook reversed its ban, saying it would allow praise for Azov..."

..."bądź tu mądry i pisz wiersze" - powtórzę co już raz dziś napisałem...