sobota, 19 lutego 2022

..."off target" Władimirze Władimirowiczu Putin

...jeśli czytam przy porannym kubku kawy w pierwszych godzinach kolejnego weekendu...

"..."Sanctions will be imposed in any case. Whether they have a reason today, for example, in connection with the events in Ukraine, or there is no such reason - it will be found, because the goal is different, in this case the goal is to slow down the development of Russia and Belarus," the Russian leader said..." - j.n. 

...bowiem w żadnym razie nie o " this case the goal is to slow down the development of Russia and Belarus..." tu chodzi a o...

- Zapytajcie Tuaregów...

...choć - w poprawności monologu sądzę - na Wasze szczęście, szczęście Rosji i Białorusi pytać nie musicie

"...When French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian condemned Mali’s new leaders as “illegitimate” and “out of control”, Bamako expelled the French ambassador.

The last straw for the West has been Mali’s decision to deploy mercenaries from the Russia-linked Wagner Group. “The junta which is in power after two coup d’etats considers them to be the best partners they can find to protect their power, not to fight against terrorism,” Macron said..." - j.w.

...jak i ja nie muszę pisać bowiem...

co było do napisania w kwestii...

"kulinarnych gustów" przywódców ekumeny euroatlantyckiej

zostało już dawno w monologach prowincjusza odnotowane

a że... 

"... kolejnymi [monologami] smutnej opowieści zmierzchu euroatlantyckiego Demona kracji zapisanej na kartach współczesnej historii Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki, Wielkiej Brytanii, Francji, NATO i Zjednoczonej Europy [dosłownie] krwią niewinnych..." ? - j.w.

"...Takuba forces[1] are now relocating to neighbouring Niger, which could become a key base for France’s counterinsurgency operations, a move that aligns with Macron’s belief that engagement with Sahel countries is crucial for European security..." - j.w. "Al Jazeera"

- To tylko taka gra - powiedział francuski prezydent /François Hollande/[2]...

- OK o.b.[3] ja na to. Niech i tak będzie...

"...The crisis in Ukraine has been a colossal failure of analysis and of diplomacy, with plenty of blame to share on all aides. The main victims, alas, have been the unfortunate Ukrainian people. As I've written before, I think the United States and the West played a key role in causing the crisis, mostly by failing to anticipate that Russia was going to respond forcefully and vigorously to what its leaders regarded as a gradual attempt to incorporate Ukraine into the West. One need not approve of Russia's response to recognize that the United States should have seen it coming and thought more carefully about our interests and objectives beforehand.

Since the collapse of the Yanukovych government, the United States and its allies have followed the usual playbook: ramping up sanctions and waiting for Moscow to cave and give us everything we want. Unfortunately, this view fails to recognize that Russia does have valid reasons to care about its border areas and still has cards to play. Sanctions are clearly hurting, but Putin probably anticipated them and has been willing to pay the price. In the meantime, sanctions aren't helping the sputtering European economy (see below), and Ukraine itself is going from bad to worse.

So my question is: Will someone get serious about real diplomacy, and make Putin an offer he's unlikely to refuse? Instead of building more bases in Eastern Europe, the United States and its allies should be working to craft a deal that guarantees Ukraine's status as an independent and neutral buffer state. And that would mean making an iron-clad declaration that Ukraine will not be part of NATO. (Just because many Ukrainians want to join doesn't mean NATO has to let them.) Recent proposals for a deal lack that essential ingredient and aren't going to solve the crisis. A "Finlandized" Ukraine might not be an ideal outcome, but it is better than watching the country get destroyed.Putin may reject such a solution, of course, but surely it deserves a serious attempt before things get even worse..." - za "Foreign Policy" by Stephen M. Walt via Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...patrzę w kalendarz i jeśli mnie wzrok nie myli... (

z datowaniem na sierpień 2014 roku...

[1] "The Takuba Task Force is a European military task force placed under French command, established to advise, assist and accompany Malian Armed Forces, in coordination with G5-Sahel partners and other international actors on the ground..."

[2] "...Russia cannot simultaneously aspire to be a world power in the 21st century and not play by the rules," the French president said..." - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...patrzę w kalendarz i jeśli mnie wzrok nie myli... (

[3] "Tampony o.b.® ProComfort™, zaprojektowane z wykorzystaniem rewolucyjnej technologii DynamicFit™ i wyjątkowej otoczki SilkTouch™, zapewniają najgładszą powierzchnię i największą łatwość aplikacji w historii tamponów o.b.®. Dzięki temu są bardzo proste i wygodne w użyciu nawet w dni słabszego krwawienia oraz gdy dopiero zaczynasz stosować tampony..." - Tampony o.b. ® ProComfort™ - łatwa aplikacja i ochrona | o.b.® (