środa, 2 lutego 2022

...i wszystko "...all clear..." albo...

jak kto woli...

"...oll korrect..."[1]...

..."...More recently, the alliance has been squabbling over whether it should be engaged in countering the expansion of China, or perhaps getting involved in addressing climate change, all in an effort to remain relevant in the post-Soviet world..." - j.n.

...i zaraz dalej w kolejnych akapitach...

"...But faced with Putin’s challenge, the NATO alliance has been reminded of why it was created in the first place - to defend Europe.

“The latest flare-up has brought NATO back to basics,” Speranza said[2]. “It’s a reminder for the United States and other NATO members that Russia is very much still a threat, and we still need to be thinking in terms of tanks on the battlefield.”..." - tamże...

dopowiedzeniem - jak nie zawsze nam z panem Kissingerem...

"w monologach po drodze" pierwszym z brzegu przykładem[3]...

tak w niektórych kwestiach sam bym tego lepiej nie ujął...

"...The attitude of the West and of Russia towards a crisis like Ukraine is diametrically different. 

The West is trying to establish the legality of any established border. 

For Russia, Ukraine is part of the Russian patrimony. A Russian state was created around Kiev about 1,200 years ago. Ukraine itself has been part of Russia for 500 years, and I would say most Russians consider it part of Russian patrimony. 

The ideal solution would be to have a Ukraine like Finland or Austria that can be a bridge between these two rather than an outpost..."[4] /interlinie T.L./

starając się przez chwilę nie pamiętać o...

nieprzystojnych mężowi stanu nieprzeciętnego formatu za jakiego uważa siebie pan Kissinger...

wręcz kontekstowo tu rynsztokowych banałach

"...The Russian people, at least the ones I know, have pride in being a Russian. And, therefore, they want to be taken seriously in international affairs..." - tamże[4]...


[1] "...skrót [OK] błędnej, ale powszechnej formy oll korrect. Używanie takiego zapisu przypisywano złośliwie prezydentowi Andrew Jacksonowi, który według przeciwników politycznych był półanalfabetą. Popularyzację wyrażenie „OK” zawdzięcza telegrafistom, którzy zmienili jego znaczenie na „all clear”..." - za "Wikipedią"

[2] "Lauren M. Speranza is Director of Transatlantic Defense and Security at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). Lauren is responsible for leading and developing CEPA’s work on collective defense and NATO, regional security, and cooperation with allies and partners..." - j.n.