czwartek, 13 stycznia 2022

...dla urozmaicenia narracji...

tym razem NATO widziane nie znad prowincjonalnego kontuaru baru a...

znad Potomac River i - przez wzgląd na źródło cytatu - 


"...North Atlantic Treaty Organizations' military commitments may prove costly for US strategic interest as Washington may be entangled in conflicts in Europe.

Many of America's so-called allies are major liabilities rather than assets to US foreign policy. Indeed, they are potential snares, ones that can entangle America in unnecessary military confrontations, according to National Interest magazine..."


"...In too many cases, the "allies" that Washington touts are small, weak, often militarily useless dependents. Worse, some of them are on bad terms with more powerful neighboring states, writes Ted Galen Carpenter[2] for the National Interest..." - j.w.

w kontynuacji niechby tylko wczorajszego monologu[4]

o innych nie wspominając bowiem...

już dziś nie ma o czym[5]...

[1] " is the online property of Business Standard Private Limited, publisher of India's leading business daily, Business Standard. The website attracts over 15 million unique visitors every month, the highest such number for any standalone business newspaper website in India..." - About Us | Brand - Business Standard (

[2] "...Vice President for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute

Ted Galen Carpenter is vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute[3] in Washington, D.C." - Ted Galen Carpenter - The Globalist

[5] "niedziela, 15 maja 2016

...jak nie bez racji powiadają...

..."głupich nie sieją, sami się rodzą":

…ki diabeł to jakieś CASE…

…pomyślałem czytając…

„- Gdyby UE była silniejsza, mniej skoncentrowana na własnych problemach, prawdopodobnie udałoby się doprowadzić Rosję do stanu ostateczności trochę szybciej - uważa szef CASE Christopher Hartwell.” – źródło j.n.

...czytając z akcentem postawionym na…

„…udałoby się doprowadzić Rosję do stanu ostateczności [!] trochę szybciej…”

...nie powodowany złą wolą, a brakiem wyboru...

…no i proszę:

„CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research was established in August 1991 when 10 economists, involved in the process of economic transformation in Poland, signed the founding act of a new private research institution […]

In order to secure its financial stability and intellectual independence, CASE has always sought for multiplicity and diversification of its founding sources. Historically, CASE research and technical assistance projects have been financed from various sources such as the European Commission, World Bank, UN agencies, USAID, OSI network, Ford Foundation, public authorities and private corporations in several countries.

CASE founders in August 1991 Tadeusz Baczko, Ewa Balcerowicz, Barbara Blaszczyk, Wladyslaw Brzeski, Krzysztof Chmielewski, Andrzej Cylwik, Marek Dabrowski, Stanislawa Golinowska, Anna Fornalczyk, Jacek Rostowski…”
[...] - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...jak nie bez racji powiadają... (