sobota, 5 czerwca 2021

...jak rozumiem intencje pana Janšy...

"...Janša said Slovenia would push for the creation of a European Institute on Constitutional Law, apparently endorsing an idea previously pushed by Hungary and Poland, to create a body that would adjudicate disputes between Brussels and national capitals over rule-of-law issues.


“The rule of law is not a rule of arbitrary policy, nor is it a matter of selective justice and different criteria; instead, it presupposes equal rules for all and equal treatment of all EU member states under the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty,” Janša said.

He said that the EU should not turn for expertise to the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission, but rather should create its own body. “We need our own similar institution and one of our proposals is aimed at that,” he said..." - j.n.

...tak chcąc nie chcąc 

mimo weekendowej pory w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologu 

mogę tylko napisać po raz kolejny[1]...

"...bez gilotyny na Place de la Concorde[2]..." dziś już się nie obejdzie... 

By uzmysłowić przypadkowemu czytelnikowi istotę problemu

proponuję by wyobraził sobie...

Rzeczpospolitą albo inne państwo Zjednoczonej Europy bez...


Parlament Europejski sięga po władzę absolutną nad Europą i...

nie było by w tym nic złego[!] gdyby nie to że...

zasiadają w nim dziś - delikatnie rzecz ujmując



"...On Friday, several MEPs said the leading political groups had agreed to vote on a text next week criticizing the Commission for failing to activate the new process - and asking Parliament President David Sassoli to call on the Commission to “fulfill its obligations” within “two weeks.”

The parliamentarians also said they would begin preparations to possibly trigger a provision within the EU treaties that could result in Parliament taking the Commission to court for failing to implement the rule-of-law regulation..." - j.n.

...ideowo żałosna kreatura

...zlepek wszystkiego co najgorsze wzięte z Dantona i  Robespierra...

[1] ...niechby przykładem pierwszym z brzegu datowanym na listopad roku 2013 Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...nomen omen nie inaczej, jak Plac Zgody... ( 

[2] "...During the French Revolution in 1789 the statue of Louis XV of France was torn down and the area renamed the Place de la Révolution. The new revolutionary government erected a guillotine in the square, and it was here that King Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793.

Other important figures guillotined on the site, often in front of cheering crowds, were Queen Marie Antoinette, Princess Élisabeth of France, Madame du Barry, Georges Danton, Camille Desmoulins, Antoine Lavoisier, Maximilien Robespierre, Louis de Saint-Just, and Olympe de Gouges.


In 1795, under the Directory, the square was renamed Place de la Concorde as a gesture of reconciliation after the turmoil of the revolution..." - za "Wikipedią"