piątek, 18 lipca 2014

...zagubiony w wirtualnym monologu...

"...The missile system (Buk) was “generously provided” to the rebels by Putin, Herashenko charged. “There is no limit to the cynicism of Putin and his terrorists!” he said..." - źródło: "The Washington Post"

...przeglądając opis rzekomego prezentu Rosjan dla ukraińskich separatystów...

"The Buk missile system (Russian: "Бук"; beech, /bʊk/ book) is a family of self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missilesystems developed by the Soviet Union and its successor state, the Russian Federation, and designed to engage cruise missiles, smart bombs, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles.[2].."

źródło: "Wikipedia"

"...But the Buk is much more sophisticated than a MANPADS. It is typically operated as a set of four vehicles: a command post vehicle, a target acquisition radar vehicle, the missile launch vehicle (which has its own targeting radar), and a support vehicle. Orchestrating this system requires more training than the relatively straightforward operation of MANPADS..." - źródło: "The Monkey Cage"

...i dalej cytując za panem Longiem...

źródło: "The Monkey Cage"

"...Such systems are also more difficult to acquire, as they are not widely distributed across military units. Instead they are normally concentrated it specialized air defense units. This combination of relative concentration and high sophistication makes it less likely that separatists could have captured a Buk in the past month and would then be able to successfully operate it." - źródło j.w.

...piszę pozwalając sobie na mało oględny i stosowny sytuacyjnie autocytat...

...daleki od godnej uznania oględności zawartej w konkluzji...

"...This conclusion, though plausible, is nonetheless tentative. The separatists may not have been responsible. But the tragedy underscores that the military balance in Ukraine remains fluid and contested, with civilians both on the ground and in the air reaping the consequences." źródło j.w. "The Monkey Cage"

...nie inaczej, jak zawsze tylko sobie a Muzom...