wtorek, 15 kwietnia 2014

...pan Michael A Deas pyta...

...na stronie "Al Jazeera"...

..."...Where's the diversity ?"...

...na co ja odpowiadam najlepiej, jak tylko potrafię...

...czyli krótko i węzłowato...

collage by T.L. z linkowaniem do postu "...z weekendowego punktu widzenia..."

...w wirtualnym monologu prowincjonalnego poety barowego dopełnionym cytatami komentarzy czytelników treści sygnowanych przez Michaela A Deasa, który...

"Michael Deas teaches graduate and undergraduate editing, as well multimedia reporting. Prior to joining Medill in 2006, Deas worked at the Chicago Tribune as an editor on the national-foreign and news-editing staffs. Deas served on advisory boards and panels, worked as a consultant and taught part time at several universities. He was a fellow at the Poynter and Maynard institutes. Deas was among contributors, including former President Jimmy Carter, who wrote tributes for "Grace Under Fire: Barbara Jordan's Rhetoric of Watergate, Patriotism, and Equality."

...w ich poprawnym etnicznie wyborze...

"Adult Supervisor • 11 hours ago
Hiring should not be based on race or ethnicity. It should be based on competence and qualifications.
I"m an NBA Basketball fan. Most of the best players in the world happen to be black. They weren't selected because of their color. It was because they're the best players. That's how it should be in every line of work."

"Khartoumi • 3 hours ago
Black Americans are so pathetic.
If you want black people on news programs, create a news program for black people, you do not need white people to hand you jobs and positions to define your worth."

źródło: "Al Jazeera"

...sobie a Muzom, acz bez deprymującego poczucia intelektualnej alienacji...

...co wypada odnotować choćby przez wzgląd na mój wiek stosownym smileyem...