źródło: "Google Images" and collage by T.L.
"...The Times writes that Ruqai "has been described as a Qaeda computer expert and helped to conduct surveillance of the embassy in Nairobi, according to evidence in trials stemming from the bombings."
But the Associated Press reports that it was "unclear" whether Ruqai's role in Al Qaeda was significant – it describes him as a "scout" in the 1998 attacks – and whether he was involved in any militant activities in Libya. His family and peers say that he was never a member of the terrorist group and had not been involved in any militant activities since 2011, when he returned to Libya after several years in Afghanistan and Iran..."
źródło: "The Christian Science Monitor"
...chyba że jesteś obywatelem Chin, Rosji albo...
...Koreańskiej Republiki Ludowo Demokratycznej, to wtedy możesz spać spokojnie.