środa, 31 lipca 2024

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..."...While there is no formal "unwritten agreement" specifically documented regarding a mutual non-killing pact among Middle Eastern leaders, there are indications of shifting alliances and informal understandings that may resemble such an arrangement.

Mossad's Collaborations with Arab Intelligence
Mossad has established formal and historical links with several Arab intelligence services, notably those of Jordan and Morocco. In recent years, these relationships have expanded to include various Gulf states and Egypt, driven by shared concerns over regional threats, particularly from Iran and non-state actors
This cooperation suggests a level of mutual interest in maintaining stability and avoiding direct confrontations that could lead to assassinations of key leaders.

Context of Non-Killing Agreements
The concept of a mutual non-killing agreement among leaders in the Middle East could be inferred from the broader context of regional diplomacy and intelligence sharing.
As countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE have begun to engage more openly with Israel, there may be informal understandings that prioritize political stability over violent reprisals
Such dynamics could lead to a tacit agreement where leaders refrain from targeting each other, especially in light of the changing geopolitical landscape.

While there is no explicit evidence of a formal unwritten agreement on mutual non-killing among Middle Eastern leaders facilitated by Mossad, the evolving relationships and intelligence collaborations in the region suggest a complex interplay of interests that may discourage such actions. The focus appears to be on strategic alliances and shared security concerns rather than outright assassination campaigns against each other’s leaders..."
