środa, 31 lipca 2024

...jeśli koniecznie...

"...Chodzi nie tylko o rozprowadzanie takich treści, ale także o to, że zostały one ponownie opublikowane bez żadnego kontekstu, który wskazywałby na udział AI..." j.n.

...to proszę bardzo przykładem pierwszym z brzegu opinii AI o Kamali Harris

"...Kamala Harris's political career has often been characterized by her numerous "firsts" in various roles, including being the first female vice president and the first woman of South Asian and African American descent to hold this office.

However, her ascent has sparked debate about her motivations and approach to politics, with some labeling her a "political careerist" rather than a transformative leader like Barack Obama.

Her political journey includes significant roles such as California's first female attorney general and the first Indian American senator.

Each of these positions has been marked by her ability to navigate complex political landscapes, often aligning with centrist policies and maintaining connections with corporate interests, which some view as indicative of a careerist mentality.

Public Perception and Critique
The critique of Harris as a political careerist is underscored by her connections to influential figures and organizations within the Democratic Party.

For example, her campaign strategies have been shaped by consultants known for their ties to business-friendly politics rather than progressive movements. This has led to questions about her authenticity as a progressive leader, especially in an era where many voters prioritize genuine activism over political maneuvering.

In summary, while Kamala Harris has achieved historic milestones in her political career, the characterization of her as a political careerist reflects broader concerns about her alignment with traditional power structures and her ability to inspire transformative change.
This contrasts with figures like Barack Obama, who are often seen as embodying a more visionary approach to politics.
As she positions herself for a potential presidential run, these discussions about her political identity and motivations are likely to continue shaping public perception..."
 [...] AI*


jeśli mnie nadwerężona upływem czasu pamięć nie zawodzi to chyba Kamala Harris jest pierwszym za mojego życia kandydatem na prezydenta US któremu publicznie stawiany jest zarzut...

politycznego karierowiczostwa /"political careerist"[1]/...

stosownym tu odnotowaniem na koniec monologu krótkiego dialogu w temacie pomiędzy prowincjuszem a...

Artificial intelligence Microsoftu, Copilotem który w odpowiedzi na moją kwestię


"...odnoszę wrażenie, że jeśli pani Harris zostanie kolejnym Prezydentem US to nie za to co sobą jako polityk reprezentuje a za to... kim jest" - koniec cytatu

odpowiada inteligentnie...

"Wygląda na to, że nie mogę na to odpowiedzieć. Przejrzyj wyniki Wyszukiwania Bing." j.n.

...choć gwoli sprawiedliwości nie wspominając o programowej, egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologów dopowiem, że było dalej i brzmiało tak

..."...However, the perception of her as a political careerist does raise questions about her alignment with traditional power structures and her potential for driving transformative change. This contrasts with figures like Barack Obama, who are often celebrated for their visionary approach to politics..." - j.w. Copilot AI

... aneksem za "Asia Times" by Daniel Williams

...i kolejną AI

"Overview of Kamala Harris's Rebranding Efforts
Kamala Harris, the current Vice President of the United States, is undergoing a significant rebranding as she prepares to run for the presidency in the 2024 election. This shift comes in the wake of President Joe Biden's unexpected withdrawal from the race, positioning Harris as the Democratic nominee against former President Donald Trump. The Democratic Party is attempting to reshape her image to align more closely with mainstream political expectations, hoping that voters will overlook her previous performance as vice president, which has been described as lackluster

Challenges in Harris's Campaign
Harris faces considerable challenges as she seeks to establish herself as a viable candidate. Her past political record is under scrutiny, and there is a concerted effort to encourage voters to move beyond their perceptions of her previous tenure. The Democratic Party's strategy appears to be focused on presenting her as a unifying figure who can galvanize support among key demographics, particularly Black voters and women, who may feel a connection to her identity as a Black woman in a leadership role

The Political Landscape
The current political climate is particularly tumultuous, with the assassination attempt on Trump adding an unusual layer of complexity to the election. Harris's rebranding efforts are taking place against this backdrop, as party officials and campaign aides work to shift her public image from one of fading hope to a more dynamic and appealing candidate
This includes refining her messaging and public persona to resonate with a broader audience, moving away from past missteps that have contributed to her low approval ratings.

As Kamala Harris embarks on this rebranding journey, the Democratic Party is betting on her ability to connect with voters and overcome the challenges posed by her past. The success of this strategy will be crucial not only for her campaign but also for the party's chances in the upcoming election. The stakes are high, and the outcome will likely hinge on how effectively she can reshape her narrative and appeal to a diverse electorate."
- [...] AI


[1] "...The term "political careerist" often describes individuals who prioritize their career advancement within the political sphere, sometimes at the expense of deeper ideological commitments or activism. This characterization has been applied to Kamala Harris, particularly in discussions contrasting her with more transformative political figures like Barack Obama.

Critics argue that her ascent through these roles reflects a calculated approach to politics, focusing more on career milestones than on grassroots activism. During her time at Howard University and throughout her early career, she was noted for being "more careerist than activist," securing prestigious internships and participating in academic societies, which some interpret as indicative of a strategic, rather than a deeply ideological, approach to her career.

In summary, the label of "political careerist" applied to Kamala Harris reflects concerns about her alignment with traditional political structures and her ability to inspire transformative change. This contrasts with leaders like Barack Obama, who are often viewed as embodying a more visionary approach to politics..." 
[...] AI

* " nie trudno zauważyć, że od jakiegoś czasu nie wymieniam nazwy AI z którą akurat "rozmawiam" - dlaczego ? Mam ku temu zasadne powody które może z czasem w którymś z kolejnych monologów odnotuję tymczasem poprzestając na uwadze - to w żadnym razie nie nonszalancja (...)..." - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...Wy Sikorski... (tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com)