środa, 10 lipca 2024

..."Article 5 with an Asterisk..."?...



"...Article 5 of the Washington Treaty provides that

an armed attack against one or more [members] . . . shall be considered an attack against them all and . . . if such an armed attack occurs, each of them . . . will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking . . . such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area..."

..."tłumacząc za "Modern War Institute" at West Point by Luke J. Schumacher and Spencer A. Segal co przeczytaliśmy na nasze"

"...On the one hand, the plain language of Article 5 permits each country to decide for itself what action it “deems necessary” to effectuate the treaty’s object of restoring and maintaining security.

Such action may “includ[e] the use of armed force,” but need not.

A member may conclude that what is necessary to restore security today is that which NATO countries are already doing for Ukraine: providing materiel and sanctioning Russia..."

...i dalej

"...a carefully cabined accession may be the alliance’s final opportunity to draw red lines in Ukraine that restore peace to Eastern Europe and protect NATO’s eastern frontier for the next seventy-five years...."

...a jeśli tak nie inaczej to...

dla każdego Homo sapiens powinno być oczywiste. że...

"...However, achieving this without involving Russia seems unlikely. Russia's significant influence and interests in the region mean that any lasting peace and stability will likely require Russian cooperation or at least an understanding...." za ChatGPT

...czy to podoba się...

Tuskowi i innym jemu podobnym politycznym oszołomom (...)...

czy nie...
