źródło: Jourova do innych komisarzy: by walczyć z dezinformacją, wyjdźcie poza swoją bańkę (msn.com)
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...don't worry Jourová...
po wygranych przez Was wyborach europejskich
ostatecznie raz na zawsze rozwiążecie kwestię Inteligencji takiej czy siakiej w Europie jej kategorycznym zakazem na terenie Wam jurysdykcją TSUE podległym i
będzie cacy - autorytety wszelkiej maści "cerowanych dziewic" euroatlantyckiej demokracji[2] będą w końcu
[1] ...co mniej więcej po naszemu znaczy;
Věra Jourová, wiceprzewodnicząca Komisji Europejskiej, spotkała się w przeszłości z zarzutami o korupcję. W 2006 r. została tymczasowo aresztowana pod zarzutem korupcji, jednak śledztwo nie potwierdziło zarzutów i w 2008 r. sprawę zamknięto. Ostatnio toczyły się dyskusje na temat powołania unijnego organu ds. etyki, który zajmowałby się kwestiami uczciwości w różnych instytucjach UE, w tym w Komisji. Chociaż propozycja Jourovej ma na celu stworzenie środka zapobiegawczego posiadającego uprawnienia dochodzeniowe i nakładanie sankcji, nadal istnieją wyzwania prawne. Jednakże oczyszczenie jej z zarzutów z przeszłości niekoniecznie oznacza niewinność; odzwierciedla wynik konkretnego dochodzenia. Zasadnicze znaczenie ma szerszy kontekst i ciągłe wysiłki mające na celu wzmocnienie nadzoru nad etyką.[2] "The phrase "darned virgins of democracy" seems unusual and isn't a common idiom or widely recognized term in political discourse. Its meaning would likely depend heavily on the context in which it is used. Here are a few possible interpretations based on different contexts:
Critique of Inexperience: The phrase might be used to criticize individuals who are new or inexperienced in democratic processes or politics. "Virgins" in this sense would refer to their lack of experience, and "darned" might express frustration or exasperation at their perceived naivety or mistakes.
Idealism in Democracy: It could also refer to individuals or groups who are idealistic about democracy, believing in its purest form without acknowledging the complexities and compromises that often come with practical governance. In this case, "virgins" would denote their untainted idealism, and "darned" might be used sarcastically to highlight the impracticality of their views.
Cynical Viewpoint: The phrase might be used cynically to describe those who blindly trust in democratic institutions without recognizing their flaws or potential for corruption. Here, "darned" could indicate frustration with their blind faith, and "virgins" would imply their untouched or uncorrupted view of democracy.
If you have a specific context or example where this phrase was used, it would help narrow down the interpretation. Understanding who used the phrase, in what setting, and about whom or what it was said would provide valuable clues to its intended meaning." - ChatGPT 4 j.n.
Critique of Inexperience: The phrase might be used to criticize individuals who are new or inexperienced in democratic processes or politics. "Virgins" in this sense would refer to their lack of experience, and "darned" might express frustration or exasperation at their perceived naivety or mistakes.
Idealism in Democracy: It could also refer to individuals or groups who are idealistic about democracy, believing in its purest form without acknowledging the complexities and compromises that often come with practical governance. In this case, "virgins" would denote their untainted idealism, and "darned" might be used sarcastically to highlight the impracticality of their views.
Cynical Viewpoint: The phrase might be used cynically to describe those who blindly trust in democratic institutions without recognizing their flaws or potential for corruption. Here, "darned" could indicate frustration with their blind faith, and "virgins" would imply their untouched or uncorrupted view of democracy.
If you have a specific context or example where this phrase was used, it would help narrow down the interpretation. Understanding who used the phrase, in what setting, and about whom or what it was said would provide valuable clues to its intended meaning." - ChatGPT 4 j.n.
ChatGPT 4
...jak brzmiało pytanie zadane Copilotowi? - zwyczajnie; "Czy oczyszczenie Věry Jourovej z zarzutów korupcyjnych oznacza, że jest ona rzeczywiście niewinna?" po angielsku...