poniedziałek, 11 marca 2024

...żadna łaska panie H.

...jeśli czytam 

...taki wybrała zawód i za to

...jej płacą...

...tak jak Wam Hołownia Wasi Wyborcy za...


"...Though not well appreciated, within the manga and anime world there is a substantial body of absolutely astounding work in both written and animated form with a focus on war in all its permutations.

Through this genre of war manga, millions of people over multiple generations have enjoyed and absorbed stories without necessarily being explicitly aware of the complex military, strategic, legal, and moral issues contained within these narratives. Others, due to unfamiliarity with the manga and anime worlds, are unwittingly missing out on dramatic and thought-provoking expositions on the nature of human conflict..."
 - j.n. za "Modern War Institute" at West Point by Alec Rice and Gage Dabin

...dopowiedzeniem na marginesie

...nie "...bolszewia..." a

"lada chwila, moment" Zjednoczona Europa "von der Leyen" spod znaku "Tryzuba" i szyldu "Azov"...