czwartek, 21 marca 2024

...w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologu...


"...Uchwalone w ubiegłym roku przepisy mają na celu zwiększenie atrakcyjności warunków pracy..." w oryginale "...Legislation passed last year seeks to make conditions more attractive,.." j.n.


dziś, tu i teraz

...zwiększenie atrakcyjności warunków umierania /na Ukrainie/-  co jest na sposób oczywisty wcale nie subtelną różnicą dla kontraktora...

okazjonalnym przypomnieniem niechby tylko sobie i Muzom...

na dobranoc

piórem pana Seumasa Milne co dziś znaczy NATO...

"...Which is how it's been since Nato was founded in 1949, at the height of the cold war, six years before the Warsaw pact, supposedly as a defensive treaty against a Soviet threat. It's often claimed the alliance maintained peace in Europe for 40 years, when in fact there is not the slightest evidence the Soviet Union ever intended to attack.

After the USSR collapsed, the Warsaw Pact was duly dissolved. But Nato was not, despite having lost the ostensible reason for its existence. If peace had been the aim, it could have usefully been turned into a collective security arrangement including Russia, under the auspices of the United Nations.

Instead, it gave itself a new "out of area" mandate to wage unilateral war, from Yugoslavia to Afghanistan and Libya, as the advance guard of a US-dominated new world order. In Europe it laid the ground for war in Ukraine by breaking a US pledge to Moscow and relentlessly expanding eastwards: first into ex-Warsaw Pact states, then into the former Soviet Union itself.

But the "biggest prize", as the head of US-funded National Endowment for Democracy put it last year, was ethnically divided Ukraine. After the EU made its military-linked association agreement with Ukraine exclusive of a Russian deal – and Ukraine's corrupt but elected president, who refused to sign it, was overthrown in a US-backed coup by any other name – it was scarcely paranoid for Russia to see the takeover of the neighbouring state as a threat to its core interests..."
j.n. "The Guardian"

...z datowaniem T.L. na wrzesień 2014 roku via ...nie tyle, co ja na to... (tadeusz
