poniedziałek, 13 listopada 2023

...dobry Hamas bo ?

..."...Hamas primarily targets Israeli military and civilians as part of its struggle against the Israeli occupation..." j.n. "Al Arabiya" by Rafe Jabari

...a ISIS be bo

..."... ISIS is an organization with a global agenda, aiming to fight Western countries, particularly the United States..." tamże...

i wszystko jasne wedle francusko palestyńskiego analityka...

dopowiedzeniem na koniec

"...Itamar Ben Gvir, serving as the Minister of National Security, openly asserted [...] that his right to life takes precedence over the Palestinian right to freedom of movement..." j.w.

...panie Ben-Gvir[1]

...jak panu nie wstyd...

[1] Itamar Ben-Gvir - Wikipedia