środa, 3 maja 2023

...nie proszą po polsku a po angielsku...

znad ramienia słyszę

...może być i po angielsku

"...Attacks on Poles during the massacres in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia were marked with extreme sadism and brutality. Rape, torture and mutilation were commonplace. Poles were burned alive, flayed, impaled, crucified, disembowelled, dismembered and beheaded. Women were gang raped and had their breasts sliced off, children were hacked to pieces with axes, babies were impaled on bayonets and pitchforks or bashed against trees..."[1]

- Dajże spokój Lu, to nie to pokolenie...

popatrz na fotografię jacy młodzi i piękni...

Europejczycy zza Buga

- Też racja; ich rówieśnicy spalili żywcem w Odessie raptem tylko ułamek ułamka tego[2] co wymordowali rodzice ich rodziców budzących grozę nawet u samych Niemców sposobem[3]...

- No widzisz, robią postępy...

i jak zawsze to i tym razem trudno Puszkowi nie przyznać racji...

[2] "..."May 2 marks the 9th anniversary of the tragic events in Odessa, which culminated in the chilling murders at the Trade Unions House. On that day [nine years ago], radical Ukrainian nationalists deliberately set fire to the building where those opposed to the new government were hiding. As a result, 48 people were burned alive, poisoned by carbon monoxide or died falling from the upper floors," Russia’s diplomatic agency said..." za Agencją "TASS" via Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...fakt z podtytułem "prapoczątki, praprzyczyny"... (tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com)
