czwartek, 23 lutego 2023

...i byłoby nawet na swój sposób

 ...prowincjonalnie megalomańsko zabawne

gdyby nie jedno "ale" - żadnym sposobem

dziesiątek tysięcy ofiar rzezi wołyńskiej[1] "pod fotel prezesa Kaczyńskiego nie zamieciecie"...

i niczego tu nie zmienia fakt, że polityce obca jest moralność - jak wszystko na świecie i to ma swoje granice

...jeśli czytam niedowierzając co widzę

..."Bój o wartości XXI wieku"...

ramię w ramię przy boku "Zelenskiego" spod znaku "Tryzuba" ?

...ręce moje obciąć

język wyrwać

oślepić jeśli chciałbym się pod tym podpisać...

Na szczęście w nieszczęściu widać

...Konfucjusz, Mahomet, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Diderot (...)...

trzymają się mocno i

..."MC Hammer" im nie groźny.

Okazjonalnie na koniec monologu w cyklu "kto pyta nie błądzi"

"...Is the West ready for Putin to lose?" by Matthew Karnitschnig na stronie "Politico"

...chyba nie za bardzo jeśli

...gwarantem bezpieczeństwa Bidena w Kijowie był...


ciąg dalszy nastąpi ?

bez wątpienia i...

oby był tylko równie "zabawny" mierząc teatralno prowincjonalną miarą komika Zelenskiego

"MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden dared to make a ‘brave’ visit to Kiev only after obtaining guarantees of security from Russia, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said during a briefing Wednesday.

"Biden did not dare to visit Kiev without warning Russia and without asking the Russian side to ensure his safety," she noted.

The spokeswoman noted that "the US leader’s visit was staged with drama, but, in reality, resembled a failed stage of in a provincial theater."

"In order to assign some drama to this moment, they have even sounded the air raid alarm," she noted. "Although, they told the people of Kiev in advance not to pay attention to it, due to absence of any actual threat. Everyone warned their neighbor: Biden is about to come, they will launch the siren, but it’s okay, we can stay home or do our own staff, because it is a part of the staging."..."

cartoon © by T.L.


[1] "The massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia (Polish: rzeź wołyńska, lit. 'Volhynian slaughter'; Ukrainian: Волинська трагедія, romanized: Volynska trahediia, lit. 'Volyn tragedy'), were carried out in German-occupied Poland by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, or the UPA, with the support of parts of the local Ukrainian population against the Polish minority in Volhynia, Eastern Galicia, parts of Polesia and Lublin region from 1943 to 1945. The peak of the massacres took place in July and August 1943. Most of the victims were women and children. Many of the Polish victims regardless of age or gender were tortured before being killed; some of the methods included rape, dismemberment or immolation, among others. The UPA's actions resulted in between 50,000 and 100,000 deaths.


Attacks on Poles during the massacres in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia were marked with extreme sadism and brutality. Rape, torture and mutilation were commonplace. Poles were burned alive, flayed, impaled, crucified, disembowelled, dismembered and beheaded. Women were gang raped and had their breasts sliced off, children were hacked to pieces with axes, babies were impaled on bayonets and pitchforks or bashed against trees..."Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia - Wikipedia