czwartek, 20 kwietnia 2023


"...No one aside from the most naively gullible or apologists for demented, mendacious Joe believes that a 21-year old kid PFC could have selected and copied 300 top-classified documents and put them into circulation. My own experience at NATO HQ in the 1980s tells me that. This is utter nonsense..." j.n. by Uwe Parpart[1]

z tym, że o ile mnie jeszcze tymczasem pamięć nie zawodzi to "Zelenskiego spłodził" Pentagon[2]

The White House i United States Department of State bastarda już tylko "przysposobiły"...

Co prawda niczego to dziś już nie zmienia ale

...w poprawności monologu odnotować należy...

dopowiadając; jedni i drudzy mogą spać spokojnie

zawsze znajdzie się jakiś "Colin Powell"[3]

by inni po wszystkim mogli zaśpiewać z czystym sumieniem

"...God bless America,
My home sweet home..."...

Z drugiej strony...

odwieczne prawo egzystencjalno politycznej dżungli


[2] "...In June 2015, both Canada and the United States announced that their own forces will not support or train the Azov regiment, citing its neo-Nazi connections.

The following year, however, the US lifted the ban under pressure from the Pentagon..."
Przy porannym kubku kawy: ..."bądź tu mądry i pisz wiersze"... (

[3] "For many Iraqis, Colin Powell is the American official who went before the United Nations Security Council in 2003 to justify a devastating war against their country.

Word of Powell’s death Monday at age 84 dredged up feelings of anger in Iraq toward the former secretary of state, one of several Bush administration officials whom they hold responsible for a disastrous US-led invasion that led to decades of death, chaos and violence in Iraq..."

[4] "...A fact is a datum about one or more aspects of a circumstance, which, if accepted as true and proven true, allows a logical conclusion to be reached on a true–false..." - Fact - Wikipedia