piątek, 20 stycznia 2023

...niemieckie "Leopardy" strzelające do...

 Rosjan na Ukrainie ?

...lepszego "prezentu" dla Putina, Kremla, Moskwy i na koniec Rosji...

poza komikiem "Zelenskim"

nikt by nie wymyślił

...ale jak powiadają

"nie [chwalmy] dnia przed zachodem słońca"...

"KYIV/BERLIN, Jan 20 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskiy said his government was expecting "strong decisions" from defence leaders of NATO and other countries meeting on Friday to discuss boosting Ukraine's ability to confront Russian forces with modern battle tanks.

The meeting at Ramstein Air Base in Germany is the latest in a series since Russia invaded Ukraine nearly 11 months ago, and where future weapons supplies will be discussed, particularly of Germany's Leopard 2 tanks used by armies across Europe..."

...jeszcze tymczasem

"na dwoje babka wróżyła" - spektakl trwa nadal

trzymając widza w niepewności