sobota, 26 listopada 2022

...jakkolwiek droga ze szczytów...

dobrobytu państw Europy do poziomu "depresji egzystencjalnej" tak zwanego "Trzeciego Świata"[1] wydaje się daleka...

to wypadało by nie zapominać, że co innego droga w dół krok po kroku a...

zupełnie coś innego niekontrolowany upadek w przepaść

"...Europe is facing a double hammer blow from the U.S. If it weren't enough that energy prices look set to remain permanently far higher than those in the U.S. thanks to Russia's war in Ukraine, U.S. President Joe Biden is also currently rolling out a $369 billion industrial subsidy scheme
EU officials fear that businesses will now face almost irresistible pressure to shift new investments to the U.S. rather than Europe. EU industry chief Thierry Breton is warning that Biden's new subsidy package poses an "existential challenge" to Europe's economy..." - j.w.

...dla urozmaicenia  narracji dla odmiany za "The Economist"

...streszczeniem treści zawartym w "The Economist this week Highlights from the latest issue" by Zanny Minton Beddoes 

"...If you ask Europe’s friends around the world what they think of the old continent’s prospects they often respond with two emotions.

One is admiration. In the struggle to help Ukraine and resist Russian aggression, Europe has displayed unity, grit and a principled willingness to bear enormous costs.

But the second is alarm. A brutal economic squeeze will pose a test of Europe’s resilience in 2023 and beyond. There is a growing fear that the recasting of the global energy system, American economic populism and geopolitical rifts threaten the long-run competitiveness of all European countries, Britain included.

The worry is not just about the continent’s prosperity; the health of the transatlantic alliance is at risk, too..." 
/via mail/...

dopowiem niechby tylko za panem Robem Grantem i jego thrillerem politycznyno kryminalnym umiejscowionym w Federacji Europejskiej niedalekiej przyszłości[2]

w którym przewidział niechby tylko to, że jeśli taki poroniony twór jak EU jaką dzisiaj mamy świat ujrzy...

...problemem w "Stanach Zjednoczonej Europy" będzie kupienie nowej pary butów...

o reszcie nie wspominając[3]

..."Nine months after invading Ukraine, Vladimir Putin is beginning to fracture the West.

Top European officials are furious with Joe Biden’s administration and now accuse the Americans of making a fortune from the war, while EU countries suffer.

“The fact is, if you look at it soberly, the country that is most profiting from this war is the U.S. because they are selling more gas and at higher prices, and because they are selling more weapons,” one senior official told POLITICO..."
- j.n.

...nie ma o czym w jej oczywistości

..."poniedziałek, 28 marca 2022

...Ukraina ?

 ...żaden problem natury militarnej dla Kremla ale...

współcześnie działania armii konwencjonalnych mocarstw pojmowane jako instrument polityczny w skali globalnej to już historia[1]...

natomiast użyte jako...


jak widać na przykładzie Ukrainy i


są jeszcze tymczasem użyteczne...."[4]...


..."...Hold your pee when it rains — Brussels can’t cope with extra sewage flows during heavy downpours..." - j.n.

...w pierwszych godzinach kolejnego weekendu jeszcze tymczasem tylko przy kolejnym kubku kawy...

[1] Third World - Wikipedia

[2] Incompetence (novel) - Wikipedia

[3] "...Another ongoing problem is his inability to acquire or hang onto a decent pair of shoes, primarily as all shoes in the "United States of Europe" are made of vegetable matter. A number of new mental disorders have apparently been classified in the book's universe, such as Sexually Inappropriate Response and Non-Specific Stupidity..."[2]

[4] Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...Ukraina ? (