sobota, 15 października 2022

...zdaje się, że Rosja nie ma wyboru...

"...ASTANA, October 14. /TASS/. Russia does not wish to destroy Ukraine as a state, President Vladimir Putin told reporters on Friday..."[1]

...jeśli zaraz "obok" czytam..

"...Russia’s return to the global community will be laborious and difficult.

It will take time for new political parties to form and prepare for elections. Decisions must be made regarding the various regions under Russia’s control, such as Chechnya, Moldova’s Transnistria, and Georgia’s Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Russia’s changes must include demilitarization and denuclearization to prevent future threats and acts of war.

Allowing Russia to get by with superficial democratic changes – as it did following the collapse of the Soviet Union – is dangerous and unacceptable.

Russia will backslide.

Gargantuan regime change will require an interregnum period to ensure the transition is peaceful and adheres to international law. An international organization facilitating the post-victory peace talks could perhaps be tasked with creating a provisional government to govern Russia during this period.

For political change to last, the Russian soul will have to change..."
 - j.n

...przyjmując sytuacyjnie dla uproszczenia narracji już niechby tylko przez wzgląd na weekendową porę, iż...

"The Kyiv Intependent" to głos ukraińskich "Gołębi"[2] /"Doves" z angielska/...

Zapomniałem o "...the West..." wymienionym jednym ciągiem w tytule przez jego autorkę[3] ? - w żadnym razie ale...

wzajemne relacje zachodnich "Chickenhawks" z ukraińskimi "Hawks" spod szyldu "Azov"[4] to nie mój problem czy "Putina, Kremla, Moskwy" na koniec w poprawności monologu Rosji...

"nic nowego pod słońcem" - to już było

...i to dosłownie bowiem

jak i w przybliżeniu 800 lat temu tak i dziś

na kompletnym zidioceniu "Zachodu" zyskuje nie kto inny jak...

Wyznawcy Proroka czyli Muzułmanie (...)...

[2] "...The Kyiv Independent is Ukraine’s English-language media outlet, created by journalists who were fired from the Kyiv Post for defending editorial independence..." - About - The Kyiv Independent

[3] "...Oksana Bashuk Hepburn is the former Director of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and President of U*Can Ukraine Canada Inc., a management firm specializing in democratization projects for Ukraine. Bashuk Hepburn has been commenting on international issues in global media for decades." - j.w. "The Kyiv Intependent"