piątek, 14 października 2022

...okazjonalnie jeśli czytam...

„Hätte man sich vernünftig an einen Tisch gesetzt“ – Bohlen sorgt mit Russland-Aussagen für Kritik - j.n.

...i dalej

"...Jetzt müssen wir frieren, jetzt müssen wir dies und das, das ist doch alles scheiße aus meiner Sicht..." tamże

...to tylko dodam co w poprawności monologu jest tu na sposób oczywisty do dodania

"...So, here is my question for Joe Biden:

When you have declared that Donald Trump's Make America Great Again policies are "semi-fascist" and that they pose an existential threat to American democracy, why do you (along with many prominent Republicans, I might add) support sending billions of dollars of American weaponry to the Ukrainian armed forces, one of whose most famous and celebrated divisions is the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion?

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February of this year, Vladimir Putin was mocked for stating that one of the goals of the invasion was to "de-nazify" Ukraine.

And yet, here
[1]is Stanford's MMP stating that, yes, the Ukrainian army has "formally integrated the Azov Battalion into its National Guard."

Joe, why would you ever want to arm to the teeth with American weaponry an organization that has a far-right, ultranationalist, white supremacist, anti-Semitic, anti-capitalist, anti-democratic, fascist, totalitarian, neo-Nazi background?..."
[2] /interlinie T.L./

cartoon © by T.L.

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chyba nie przed Rosjanami którzy

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