źródło: „Po zwycięstwie Ukrainy zobaczymy nowe kształty Europy”. Premier Morawiecki w Kijowie - Niezależna
dla Świata pisanego z dużej litery wydarzenia na Ukrainie to
incydent peryferyjny - fakt...
tym razem dla Europy niechcianym przypadkiem nieznośnie bezpośrednio dolegliwy ale
w żadnym razie potencjałem destruktywnym nie zdolny do pisania pod datą 2022 roku Historii Europy / o Świecie nie wspominając/ od nowa
a już na pewno nie przez Was Morawiecki
tego jakiegoś "Zełeńskiego"
renegata[1] Skrzypczaka publicznie głoszonym światopoglądem generała Wojska Polskiego plugawiącego Jego Sztandary i Mundur
ze stolicą w Kijowie a nie Warszawie[3]...
co odnotowuję o tyle "lekkim piórem" że to metrykalnie w żadnym razie już nie mój problem...
na moje szczęście i...
szczęście Ukraińców (...) - chyba że przyjdzie zmienić zdanie ale
...to już temat na inne opowiadanie...
cartoon © by T.L.
[1] "...A turncoat [po naszemu renegat] is a person who shifts allegiance from one loyalty or ideal to another, betraying or deserting an original cause by switching to the opposing side or party. In political and social history, this is distinct from being a traitor, as the switch mostly takes place under the following circumstances:
In groups, often driven by one or more leaders.
When the goal that formerly motivated and benefited the person becomes (or is perceived as having become) either no longer feasible or too costly even if success is achieved.
A mass-shift in allegiance by a population may take place during military occupation, after a nation has been defeated in war or after a major social upheaval, such as a revolution. Following the initial traumatic times, many of the citizens of the area in question quickly embrace the cause of the victors to benefit from the new system. This shift of allegiance is often done without much knowledge about the new order that is replacing the former one. In the face of fear and insecurity, the prime motive for a turncoat to draw away from former allegiances may be mere survival.
As time goes by, along with the embracing of life under the new circumstances comes a need of burying and rewriting the past by concealing evidence. The fear of the past coming to upset the newly found stability is always present in the mind of the turncoat. The past is rewritten and whitewashed to cover former deeds. When successful, this activity results in the distortion and falsification of historical events..." - Turncoat - Wikipedia
In groups, often driven by one or more leaders.
When the goal that formerly motivated and benefited the person becomes (or is perceived as having become) either no longer feasible or too costly even if success is achieved.
A mass-shift in allegiance by a population may take place during military occupation, after a nation has been defeated in war or after a major social upheaval, such as a revolution. Following the initial traumatic times, many of the citizens of the area in question quickly embrace the cause of the victors to benefit from the new system. This shift of allegiance is often done without much knowledge about the new order that is replacing the former one. In the face of fear and insecurity, the prime motive for a turncoat to draw away from former allegiances may be mere survival.
As time goes by, along with the embracing of life under the new circumstances comes a need of burying and rewriting the past by concealing evidence. The fear of the past coming to upset the newly found stability is always present in the mind of the turncoat. The past is rewritten and whitewashed to cover former deeds. When successful, this activity results in the distortion and falsification of historical events..." - Turncoat - Wikipedia
[2] "... w języku staropolskim w znaczeniu morderca, zabójca, siepacz, zapożyczenie z języka ukraińskiego od wyrazu rizun, (ukr. різун), oznaczającego rzeźnika.
Od czasu rzezi wołyńskiej (1943–1944) i czystki etnicznej w województwach lwowskim, tarnopolskim i stanisławowskim (1944) jest to stereotypowe, potoczne określenie członków Ukraińskiej Powstańczej Armii (UPA), Organizacji Ukraińskich Nacjonalistów (OUN), Samoobronnych Kuszczowych Widdiłów (SKW) i innych ukraińskich formacji, uczestniczących w mordowaniu polskiej ludności cywilnej." - Rezun – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Od czasu rzezi wołyńskiej (1943–1944) i czystki etnicznej w województwach lwowskim, tarnopolskim i stanisławowskim (1944) jest to stereotypowe, potoczne określenie członków Ukraińskiej Powstańczej Armii (UPA), Organizacji Ukraińskich Nacjonalistów (OUN), Samoobronnych Kuszczowych Widdiłów (SKW) i innych ukraińskich formacji, uczestniczących w mordowaniu polskiej ludności cywilnej." - Rezun – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia