wtorek, 30 sierpnia 2022

...ujmę to tak

...mimo że sam będąc obywatelem Pospolitej nie mam z czego cieszyć się[1] jeśli czytam

"West’s actions may slow down forming of multipolarity but will not stop it - Lavrov..." - j.n.

...i dalej

"... our Western partners, who have ceded the reins of power to the United States, <…> are seeking to disregard objective historic processes, which may slow down the formation of a multipolar world but will never be able to stop it," he said.

He was asked how many multipolarity belts he thinks have already been formed.

"It is not an agreed procedure, which is to be implemented.

It is not a fire-year plan or a three-year budget, like the one we have.

It is not like yearly budgets passed in other countries.

It is living process.

This is about politicians’ talents. They must see what is going on in real life and build their policy in line with the demands of history," he said..."
 - j.w. /interlinie w drugim akapicie by T.L./

...to jednak rozumiem co czytam

czego w żadnym razie nie mogę powiedzieć o przekazie drugim 

"EU-China relations are about to get bumpier.

Brussels will present its forced labor ban in early September — a move that will target products made by persecuted Uyghur Muslims in China..."
- j.n. za "Politico" by Barbara Moens and Stuart Lau 

...patrząc na mapę

aktualizacją 2022 by T.L. (...) oryginału File:Global North and Global South.svg - Wikimedia Commons

i czytając najnowszy przekaz Agencji "Reutersa" z antypodów...

...będący mało optymistyczną niechby tylko z nadwislańskiej perspektywy kontynuacją poprzedniego[1]...

jeśli w poprawności monologu dopowiem

"...Europe’s Russia hawks are finding an increasingly tepid reception to their pleas to keep hammering Russia with new punishments..." za "Politico" by Lili Bayer, Jacopo Barigazzi and Stuart Lau...

..."I don't feel the war fatigue," the minister [Denmark’s Bødskov] said..."

a drugi dodał

..."There's not war fatigue among the political decision-makers,” said Finland’s Haavisto..."

but definitely a little bit more nervous discussion among the citizens." - j.w. /interlinia by T.L./

...pytaniem nie co to dla Rosji może znaczyć

"... European officials are still trying to find new initiatives to help Ukraine. Defense ministers gathering in Prague will discuss a proposal from the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, to form an EU training mission for Ukrainian troops.

Danish Defense Minister Morten Bødskov, whose country is co-leading an initiative with the United Kingdom to sustain longer-term defense assistance for Kyiv, said many European countries are already involved in training the Ukrainian military and that his country supports a greater EU coordination role..."

a dla europejskich ministrów i "Brukseli" - jej parlamentarzystów i Komisarzy...

nieuniknionym ?

...pożyjemy zobaczymy

...w pewności jednego - "siana" na ukraińską imprezkę z cyklu "światło i dźwięk" Europie nie zabraknie...

jeśli nie Saudyjczycy czy Emiraty to

...chiński "Bocian" chętnie go w każdej chwili szczodrze użyczy

choć akurat przy tej okazji gdybym sam dziś na tyle zgłupiał by brać kredyty u Chińczyków to

...z dwojga złego wybrał bym warszawski oddział "Haitong Securities" a nie państwowy "Industrial and Commercial Bank of China" (...)...
