..."off target" powtórzę...
to nie szantaż czy odwet
to w poprawności monologu prowincjusza nic ponad jak tylko...
/mam nadzieję, że udana bowiem w przeciwnym razie Rosja będzie zmuszona z braku innego już wyboru sięgnąć po bardziej konwencjonalnie radykalne środki.../
humanitarnej neutralizacji zaplecza logistycznego Ukrainy...
poczynaniami swojego skrajnie nacjonalistycznego rządu Zełenskiego[1] stanowiąca bezpośrednie zagrożenie dla poczucia bezpieczeństwa Rosji...
zagrożenia urojonego ?
to nie fake news a fakt[1]...
źródło: Germany authorizes production of 100 howitzers for Ukraine – POLITICO , Niemcy: na Ukrainę dostarczono wyrzutnie rakietowe Mars II i samobieżne haubice | Defence24
...na koniec za "Modern War Institute" at West Point
"...Despite the tendency to sensationalize Western support to Ukraine as proxy war, Ukraine still prosecutes war at its own behest and for its own objectives..."[2]...
niekoniecznie w zgodzie z intencją autorów źródła cytatu[3] dla prowincjusza będącego w poprawności monologu skończenie zasadną przesłanką pozwalającą na postawienie znaku równości pomiędzy...
sprawnością intelektualną współcześnie sprawujących władzę w Berlinie a
nadwiślańskimi oszołomami[4] spod szyldu "Prawa i Sprawiedliwości" którymi ci pierwsi...
[1] "...In June 2015, both Canada and the United States announced that their own forces will not support or train the Azov regiment, citing its neo-Nazi connections.
The following year, however, the US lifted the ban under pressure from the Pentagon..." - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...udajecie durnia czy durniem jesteście ? - zapytam Was Kułeba... (tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com)
"...In 2016, Facebook first designated the Azov regiment a “dangerous organisation”.
Under the company’s Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, Azov was banned from its platforms in 2019. The group was placed under Facebook’s Tier 1 designation, which includes groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and ISIL (ISIS). Users engaging in praise, support or representation of Tier 1 groups are also banned.
However, on February 24 [2022], the day Russia launched its invasion, Facebook reversed its ban, saying it would allow praise for Azov..." - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ..."bądź tu mądry i pisz wiersze"... (tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com)
The following year, however, the US lifted the ban under pressure from the Pentagon..." - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...udajecie durnia czy durniem jesteście ? - zapytam Was Kułeba... (tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com)
"...In 2016, Facebook first designated the Azov regiment a “dangerous organisation”.
Under the company’s Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, Azov was banned from its platforms in 2019. The group was placed under Facebook’s Tier 1 designation, which includes groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and ISIL (ISIS). Users engaging in praise, support or representation of Tier 1 groups are also banned.
However, on February 24 [2022], the day Russia launched its invasion, Facebook reversed its ban, saying it would allow praise for Azov..." - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ..."bądź tu mądry i pisz wiersze"... (tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com)
In reality, it was misguided Soviet economic policies and a series of political missteps by Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that caused the country to self-destruct.
And Putin has learned a great deal from the Soviet collapse, managing to avoid the financial chaos that doomed the Soviet state despite intense sanctions.
Russia today features a very different combination of resilience and vulnerability than the one that characterized the late-era Soviet Union.
This history matters because in thinking about the war in Ukraine and its aftermath, the West should avoid projecting its misconceptions about the Soviet collapse onto present-day Russia..." - Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...rozumiem - laureatowi niezręcznie... (tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com)
[3] "...Dr. Christian Tripodi is a MWI adjunct scholar, the head of graduate studies for the Defence Studies Department at King’s College London’s School of Security Studies, and an instructor at the Joint Services Command and Staff College at the UK Defence Academy, Shrivenham. He is the author of The Unknown Enemy: Counterinsurgency and the Illusion of Control.
Matthew Wiger is an Army Special Forces officer, an instructor in Defense and Strategic Studies at the United States Military Academy, and a doctoral researcher in the School of Security Studies at King’s College London..." - źródło j.w. [2]
Matthew Wiger is an Army Special Forces officer, an instructor in Defense and Strategic Studies at the United States Military Academy, and a doctoral researcher in the School of Security Studies at King’s College London..." - źródło j.w. [2]
[4] ...tu "...człowiek ślepo podporządkowany jakiejś idei i wierzący w nią bezgranicznie..." - za "SJP" PWN