wtorek, 5 lipca 2022

..."...columnists aren’t paid to be nice..."

 ...pisze pan Andrew Mitrovica j.n.

...i zaraz dalej

"...The reader asked me to consider penning a more “uplifting” column rather than the usual fare of madness, ugliness and rage engulfing the world.

The reader’s request made me think. That’s what some readers make you do: think. I’m grateful to the reader..."

co w poprawności monologu zobowiązuje mnie do odpowiedzi...

- Dziękuję wielce szanowny panie M. za przypomnienie w tych beznadziejnych nie tylko dla Europy, Rosji i Ukrainy czasach


"...wolę czytać to, co sam napiszę [...]

jeśli już nie mogę liczyć ani na „Reutersa”, ani na „The Associated Press”, „The Washington Post”, „CNN” i „FoxNews” nie wspominając o pozostałych..."[1] 

których felietonistom

Redakcje też płacą za to, że

ich czytelnicy zmuszają piszących do


sam na sam z niedorzecznym pytaniem czy

aby Świat nie byłby lepszy gdyby...

Redakcje przestały im płacić 

...niedorzecznością zasadną jeśli "zaraz obok" czytam

"German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Sunday that the Russian invasion of Ukraine ruptured illusions that had been in place since the end of the Cold War, creating a different dynamic in Europe than existed a few months ago.

Speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Scholz told host Margaret Brennan that the brutal invasion launched in February by Russian President Vladimir Putin had shaken the world out of its complacency."

i dalej

"...I think too many in the world were hoping that we are living in a different world that is different to the experiences of the last century and the centuries before,” Scholz said..." - j.n.

niemo "akcentując boldem" zawarte w cytacie...

lingwistyczne patognomony[2]

"...illusions...", "...complacency...", "...I think...", "...hoping..."...

...nie wróżące najlepiej kolejnym aktom europejskiego dramatu jeśli stanowią istotę publicznego wystąpienia

Kanclerza Republiki Federalnej Niemiec...

dla urozmaicenia za panią Anne Applebaum

"Welcome, Americans, to the Ukrainian swamp..."

i dalej tamże

"...Will Zelensky really break with the past? Is he really different from his predecessors? Will he destroy a judicial system that has allowed some people to get away with literal murder? Or will he stick by his former patron, keep the judicial system biased and political, and keep the oligarchs in power ?..."[3]

...dopowiadając za "Wikipedią"

"...The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 again highlighted the presence in Dnipro of the volunteer "Dnieper Guard" (Варти Дніпра, Varty Dnipra), first formed in 2014 with Kolomoyskyi support in response to the war in Donbas.
Mayor of Dnipro, Borys Filatov has dismissed suggestions that the group is Kolomoyskyi's "private army". The Ukrainian billionaire, according to Filatov has helped with some equipment purchases, but the volunteer guard performs defence and law and order functions under the leadership of the national police.

Kolomoyski is a prominent supporter of Ukraine's Jewish community and the president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine. In 2010, he was appointed as the president of the European Council of Jewish Communities (ECJC) after promising the outgoing president he would donate $14 million, with his appointment being described as a "putsch" and a "Soviet-style takeover" by other ECJC board members. After several ECJC board members resigned in protest, Kolomoyski quit the ECJC and, together with fellow Ukrainian oligarch Vadim Rabinovich, founded the European Jewish Union..."[4]...

...domknięciem monologu

...powrotem do początku

"...Truth is, being anointed a “columnist” does not confer any columnist – however popular they are on Twitter or Substack – with a host of mythical powers to remedy the madness, ugliness and rage that engulf the world..." - j.w. "Al Jazzera" by Andrew Mitrovica


[2] "...is a term, often used in medicine, that means "characteristic for a particular disease". A pathognomonic sign is a particular sign whose presence means that a particular disease is present beyond any doubt..." Pathognomonic - Wikipedia