czwartek, 12 maja 2022


"...The question, really, is about the price. These days, Russian pipeline gas based on long-term contracts and indexed to oil is cheaper than what spot markets – reflecting supply and demand – charge.

Diversification away from Russia has a price tag..." - j.n. /interlinie T.L./

z tym, że to racja 

..."oglądającego Świat przez dziurkę od klucza" - w tym "pokerowym rozdaniu"

albo jak kto woli "rosyjskiej ruletce" 

geopolitycznie i gospodarczo Europa Południowo-Wschodnia /Bułgaria, Rumunia, Grecja, Malta.../...

znaczy tyle co nic...


...gospodarki wiodących państw Europy funkcjonujące w żadnym razie z własnego wyboru w oparciu o

surowcowo energetyczny rynek spotowy 

...skazane są nie tyle dosłownie na zagładę co

wegetację - uwzględniając punkt wyjścia 

"...The economy of the European Union is the joint economy of the member states of the European Union (EU). It is the second largest economy in the world in nominal terms, after the United States, and the third one in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms, after China and the United States..." - Economy of the European Union - Wikipedia

dla setek milionów Europejczyków na jedno w ostatecznym rozrachunku wychodzi[1]...

...po to tylko by z czasem do "Gaspromu" wrócić ? - na to wygląda jeśli czytam...

"...However, tomorrow the balance may change. A slowdown in global economic growth and depressed demand for energy will make gas cheaper, too.

Then Balkan countries will be in a much better position in negotiating with Gazprom, should the Russians want to shore up their market share..."
- j.w. "Al Jazeera" by Dimityr Beczew "...Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Europe as well as lecturer at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies, University of Oxford." tamże...

...nucąc sobie przy tym cichutko pod noskiem


...jeszcze tymczasem tylko przy porannym kubku kawy...

[1] patrz niechby tylko na ostatni "Moody's Alert" datowany na 12 maja tego roku i zawartą w nim analizę "German municipalities’ rising energy expenditures are credit negative[2] for them and their respective Laender" sygnowaną przez "Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau"...

[2] "...Having its credit rating downgraded, or being under a negative watch, is a big blow for a company. It means it will have to pay a higher rate of interest to borrow money from a bank or issue bonds on the market for the foreseeable future.

Moreover, it is a signal that the company is likely to underperform compared to its peers. Stock investors will read it as a harbinger of bad news about a company. The news could negatively impact the company's reputation with all stakeholders including with the general public..."
Negative Watch Definition (