czwartek, 5 maja 2022

...jak Pax Romana, Pax Mongolica, Pax Britannica...

 z Pax Americana na koniec jedno

...tak Pax Sinica 

o Pax Russica[1]  nie wspominając 

w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologu prowincjusza w żadnym razie nie to samo...


czym innym jest współcześnie chiński albo rosyjski "zapis doktrynalny" egzystencjalnego zagrożenia 

od zapisu amerykańskiego definiującego wprost w doktrynie geopolitycznej wroga (...). 

Chadzając na narracyjno publicystyczne skróty oczywiście można postawić znak równości "imperialnej" pomiędzy

praktykowaną współcześnie przez USA polityką wobec Bliskiego Wschodu, Północnej Afryki czy Europy

Rosji wobec Gruzji, Czeczenii czy Ukrainy 

Izraela wobec Palestyny

albo Chin względem Tybetu, Xinjiangu czy Taiwanu ale

to droga donikąd /na manowce/...

"...If it had any real grievances against Kyiv or Washington, Moscow could have taken the UN or the international legal route. It had the clout to do so effectively. Instead, it chose war – a crude and antiquated conventional war..." - pisze pan Marwan Bishara j.n.

i dalej

"...The Kremlin knows all too well that a good deal of the trouble in Ukraine is of its own doing. It helped trigger this episode by annexing Crimea, and encouraging secession in the eastern provinces to destabilise the country after Kyiv turned westward in early 2014..." tamże...

co brzmi znakomicie ale...

czy aby kompetentnie zapomnieniem o...

Sewastopolu[3] ?

"maj 2007 "Polska Agencja Prasowa" by Jerzy Malczyk

"...Zgodnie z rosyjsko-ukraińskim porozumieniem międzyrządowym, Flota Czarnomorska FR może pozostać na Krymie do 2017 roku. Jednak w październiku zeszłego roku prezydent Władimir Putin poinformował, że Rosja chciałaby podjąć z Kijowem rozmowy o przedłużeniu stacjonowania rosyjskiej Floty na Krymie po 2017 roku.

Strona ukraińska podkreśla niezmiennie, że Flota Czarnomorska Rosji może pozostać na Krymie jedynie do 2017 roku, czyli do czasu wygaśnięcia umów dotyczących czasowego przebywania rosyjskich wojsk na Ukrainie. Jednocześnie Kijów apeluje do Moskwy, by ta rozpoczęła już przygotowania do wyprowadzenia swoich wojsk z Ukrainy..." - j.w.

...ale wybaczam panu Bishara jak

powinien wybaczać poeta innemu poecie jeśli czytam co on pisze /powtórzę/...

"...If it had any real grievances against Kyiv or Washington, Moscow could have taken the UN or the international legal route..." i tak dalej w treści jak wyżej zatytułowanej "Debating the debate..."...

...może nawet o tym nie wie ale

jest nim bez wątpienia...

"...When it comes to war, the media is indispensable to shine a light, not turn on the heat; provide more fact, less hype; offer analysis of the war, not battlefield strategies; and, yes, promote peace, not incite violence.

Weaponising the media is more fitting of an authoritarian regime than it is for a democracy. It weakens the chances for diplomacy and makes it ever harder to reach or accept a peaceful settlement when the time comes, as it must. For the sake of all Ukrainians. For all our sakes..."

- Amen...

[1] "The "Russian world" (Russian: Русский мир, romanized: Russkiy mir, lit. 'Russian world', 'Russian order', 'Russian community'; Latin: Pax Rossica, Pax Russica) is the concept of social totality associated with Russian culture. Russkiy Mir as a concept comprises the core culture of Russia and is in interaction with the diverse cultures of Russia through traditions, history and the Russian language. It comprises also the Russian diaspora with its influence in the world. The concept is based on the notion of "Russianness", and both have been considered ambiguous.[2] The "Russian world" and awareness of it arose through Russian history and was shaped by its periods..."Russian world - Wikipedia

[2] " a type of meaning in which a phrase, statement or resolution is not explicitly defined, making several interpretations plausible. A common aspect of ambiguity is uncertainty. It is thus an attribute of any idea or statement whose intended meaning cannot be definitively resolved according to a rule or process with a finite number of steps. (The ambi- part of the term reflects an idea of "two", as in "two meanings".)

The concept of ambiguity is generally contrasted with vagueness. In ambiguity, specific and distinct interpretations are permitted (although some may not be immediately obvious), whereas with information that is vague, it is difficult to form any interpretation at the desired level of specificity..."
 - Ambiguity - Wikipedia

[3] "... was founded in June 1783 as a base for a naval squadron under the name Akhtiar (White Cliff) by Rear Admiral Thomas MacKenzie (Foma Fomich Makenzi), a native Scot in Russian service; soon after Russia annexed the Crimean Khanate. Five years earlier, Alexander Suvorov ordered that earthworks be erected along the harbour and Russian troops be placed there. In February 1784, Catherine the Great ordered Grigory Potemkin to build a fortress there and call it Sevastopol. 


In 1954, under Nikita Khrushchev, both Sevastopol and the remainder of the Crimean peninsula were administratively transferred from being territories within the Russian SFSR to being territories administered by the Ukrainian SSR..."Sevastopol - Wikipedia