JHS był Ukraińcem
to oczywiste
collage by T.L. źródła: Text at pope's Good Friday service scrapped after Ukrainian protest | Reuters i zelensky w Google
..."...habemus papam..." w nowym "Rzymie" ? - pod datą 13 kwietnia tego roku pytałem[1]
"...a jak "Rzym" to i "Kongregacja Świętego Oficjum"..."[1]
to i mamy...
"...The original text of the meditation the two women had written spoke of death, loss of values, rage, resignation, and reconciliation despite bombings.
Shevchuk said the text, which had been approved by the Vatican, was "incoherent and even offensive, especially in the context of the expected second, even bloodier attack of Russian troops on our cities and villages"..." - j.w. "Reuters"...
Shevchuk said the text, which had been approved by the Vatican, was "incoherent and even offensive, especially in the context of the expected second, even bloodier attack of Russian troops on our cities and villages"..." - j.w. "Reuters"...