środa, 9 marca 2022

...wbrew pozorom Wielce Szanowny panie Zełenski...

 polityka to...

nie kabaret 

i pora "pójść po rozum do głowy"

...choć tym razem nie napiszę "lepiej późno niż wcale" bowiem

Wy Zełenski dopiero po ten przysłowiowy "rozum" idziecie...

"...jesteśmy gotowi do dialogu, ale nie jesteśmy gotowi do kapitulacji - oznajmił Zełenski w wywiadzie dla amerykańskiej telewizji ABC News..." - j.w. "Onet pl"

ale na szczęście...

dla mnie

nie ja jestem władny rozstrzygać zapisami monologów o czymkolwiek na świecie - tu o Was i Ukrainie

znad prowincjonalnego kontuaru baru

a zadecydują

na Kremlu przy szklaneczce mleka

...kto chce to je czyta

kto nie chce to nie - póki co jeszcze w demokratyczno liberalnym wyborze...

"...On February 16, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case over four mass graves discovered in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, pledging to investigate whether what happened in the area was a genocide.

“How else can one interpret the shelling of residential areas by Ukrainian Armed Forces using multiple rocket launchers or the discovered mass grave sites of almost 300 civilians near Lugansk, who were killed only because they considered Russian as their native language?” Anatoly Antonov, Russian ambassador to the United States, wrote on Facebook, using a Russian spelling of the region’s name and accusing Washington of willfully supporting genocide in Donbas.

American officials have repeatedly brushed off Moscow’s claims as propaganda.


experts say it is important to distinguish between collateral damage and deaths or injuries from reckless or indiscriminate firing, which both the Ukrainians and pro-Russian forces are certainly guilty of, and a concentrated effort to wipe out a peaceful population.

“Some casualties are lawful under international humanitarian law provided they do not cause excessive incidental loss of civilian life. Other attacks, depending on the context, could constitute war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide,” Russian human rights lawyer Natalia Secretareva told Al Jazeera.

“What distinguishes the crime of genocide is the context: The attacks on civilians should be committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such. So, answering your question, only genocide is committed with the intent to erase a group,” she said.

“To claim that Ukraine had been committing genocide in Donbas, Russia would have to prove that the Ukrainian government had been pursuing a deliberate policy of killing or otherwise targeting some national, ethnic, racial or religious group with the intent to destroy this group,” Secretareva said..." - j.w.

...w żadnym razie nie cytatem z jakiegokolwiek monologu prowincjusza a

za źródłem "Al Jazeera" - "...SOURCE: AL JAZEERA..."

...dobrym pytaniem na koniec

"...If Russia has proof of genocide taking place, why did it not formally bring its claims before the UN?..."...

"...“The mere fact that the deaths occurred during an armed confrontation cannot constitute genocide, especially considering that Ukraine did not even control the territory in question since 2015. How would the state perpetrate a genocide on the territories it doesn’t even have access to?”..."...

i tak dalej...
