wtorek, 1 marca 2022

...tak czy siak pan Mitrovica pewnie ma rację - pomyślałem czytając...

przy porannym kubku jeszcze tymczasem prawdziwej kawy

nic dziwnego - pije mleko

...z czego  /pisania pana Mitrovica/ tyle pożytku że sobie przypomniałem

..."...In a secret Paris meeting in early August 1969, [...] presented to the Vietnamese the US ultimatum to unleash what the US secretly called Duck Hook[1]:

"If by November 1 no major progress has been made toward a solution, we will be compelled - with great reluctance - to take measures of the greatest consequence."[2]...

źródło: "Wikipedia"[2]

dobre i to

"...If it was not plain before, Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine and Ukrainians has revealed these self-evident truths.

Columnists who, like me, flit, like butterflies, from one “crisis” to the next, one “outrage” to the next, one “scandal” to the next, do not matter.

Analysts and ex-generals appearing on cable news networks to speculate without knowing do not matter.

The usual lineup of “think-tank” strategists and “experts” appearing on cable news networks to blabber on and speculate without knowing do not matter.

Rich, vacuous television personalities who know nothing about loss or sacrifice in the midst of war do not matter.

The keyboard cavalry of smug, perpetually wrong hypocrites who once loved “regime change” and invading sovereign nations before hating “regime change” and the invasion of another sovereign nation populated, this time, by white Christians, do not matter.

Pedestrian, duplicitous politicians and diplomats who spout banalities about “geniuses”, “freedom”, and the sanctity of “territorial integrity” and “international law” do not matter.

All of the above who stampede to Twitter every other moment to share their trite, hyperbolic musings and “insight” about Putin, war and Ukraine may think they matter, but they do not..." - j.w.


- What matters ? - w moim wieku

już tylko dobre trawienie...

a mleko temu szkodzi...

[1] "niedziela, 5 października 2014

...czy winna, tego nie wiem...

...za przyczyną braku w mojej barowej kategoryzacji polityki tego akurat pojęcia...

...choć nie wadzi mi ono szczególnie w żaden sposób akurat użyte w przekazie publicystycznym raczej zaciekawiając w nim swoją obecnością, niż zniechęcając..." - j.w. Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...czy winna, tego nie wiem... (tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com)

[2] "Duck Hook (code-named "Pruning Knife" by the military) was the White House code-name of an operation President Richard Nixon had threatened to unleash against North Vietnam during the Vietnam War, if North Vietnam did not yield to Washington's terms at the Paris peace negotiations.

Duck Hook called for the possible-nuclear bombing of military and economic targets in and around Hanoi [...]

An attachment to a memo from US National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger to Nixon asked, "Should we be prepared to use nuclear weapons?" The memo warned that "Since we cannot confidently predict the exact point at which Hanoi could be likely to respond positively, we must be prepared to play out whatever string necessary." Kissinger's memo also stated that "To achieve its full effect on Hanoi's thinking, the action must be brutal." [emphasis in original]..." - Duck Hook - Wikipedia /interlinie T.L./