niedziela, 6 marca 2022

...w tym trójkącie jeszcze tymczasem równoramiennym...

 ...nie ma miejsca dla czwartego

już choćby z tej racji, że to

nie "partia brydża towarzyskiego"...

"...The success of the US strategy illustrated two things.

First, it demonstrated the importance of having a clear goal.

Focusing on eroding the Soviet resource base allowed the United States to coordinate a range of tools and agencies because it gave them a shared lexicon within which to situate their efforts. Second, the competition showed that subthreshold need not mean invisible. High-profile tools like GLCMs and missile defense systems were crucial to the US strategy.

Conventional military hardware, even nuclear weapons, can play an important role in subthreshold campaigns.

The importance of military power to subthreshold competition is well illustrated in the next goal states often aim for: tipping the balance of a war in a partner’s favor without becoming a belligerent.

During the Russian-Japanese war in 1904–05, for example, Britain took a range of measures to impede the unification of the Russian Baltic and Black Sea fleets. These ranged from denying the former access to coaling stations and shadowing its movements to complicating Russian commanders’ decision-making by raising their uncertainty regarding British actions. Keeping the fleets apart allowed Japan to defeat a numerically superior navy.

Britain secured a strategic coup without firing a shot..." - j.n. /interlinie T.L./

"...Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the Taiwan question is China's internal affair, Wang said, urging the U.S. side to return to the true meaning of the one-China principle, stop encouraging and supporting "Taiwan independence" moves, stop interfering in China's internal affairs, and safeguard the overall situation of China-U.S. relations with concrete actions.

The two sides exchanged views on Ukraine.

Blinken briefed the Chinese side on the U.S. views and position on the current situation in Ukraine. Wang said that the evolution of the Ukraine issue is something China does not want to see.

The Ukraine issue is complicated, which not only concerns the basic norms of international relations, but also is closely related to the security interests of various parties, Wang said, urging for focusing on not only solving the current crisis, but also maintaining long-term stability of the region.


The Chinese side supports every effort conducive to de-escalation and political settlement of the situation, while opposing any moves which are adverse to promoting a diplomatic solution and add fuel to the flames


The Chinese side, Wang said, also encourages the United States, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the European Union to engage in equal dialogue with Russia, face up to the frictions and problems accumulated over the years, pay attention to the negative impact of NATO's continuous eastward expansion on Russia's security, and seek to build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism in accordance with the "indivisibility of security" principle..." - j.w.

"..."The myth about the inviolability of private property on which the legal system of the United States and the EU rests upon has been ruined. Properties, bank accounts and pre-paid goods are confiscated on account of nationality," Volodin said on his Telegram channel. "Nothing new. Only beautiful illusions instead of the inviolability of rights and freedoms."

Volodin recalled that at a meeting with businessmen 20 years ago President Vladimir Putin warned them of the risks of placing assets in offshore zones.

"At that time Russia had not encountered sanctions yet. Putin’s words have turned out to be prophetic. Those who preferred to keep their properties and financial assets in these countries made a fatal mistake," he said..." - j.w.

...nie wspominając o koncepcie "okrągłego stołu" 

przy którym zasiądą Chinczycy i Amerykanie i Rosjanie i "Bruksela" i

Ukraińcy, Litwini, Łotysze, Niemcy, Francuzi i Polacy...

o aktywistach "LGBT" i "Black Lives Matter" nie wspominając - "kwadratura koła" którą

"między bajki można włożyć"...

niezobowiązującym odnotowaniem 

dopowiadając co jest do dopowiedzenia

"...what are the missing pieces of the jigsaw to convince Beijing to use its influence over Moscow to mediate a ceasefire and eventually a peace agreement in Ukraine?

First of all, there is mistrust.

Beijing does not believe it has much to gain from demonstrating strong support for Washington.
Indeed, many Chinese analysts think the only “thank you” China will get for supporting the US in the Ukraine crisis

would be increased Western support for Taiwan, a more aggressive NATO, and another round of anti-Chinese alliance building in its neighbourhood such as the AUKUS

Another reason why Beijing is not [...] fully convinced that it should involve itself in the Ukraine crisis alongside the West is that so far American strategists have only shown it sticks.

The American administration and media have long been threatening to paint China with the same brush as the Russian aggressor if it does not agree to cooperate..." - j.n.

...resztę pomijając milczeniem

...choć korci by w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologu

na angielski przetłumaczyć by...

mogli sobie przeczytać

i Libijczycy i Syryjczycy, Irakijczycy, Afgańczycy, saharyjscy Tuaredzy przez francuskich rycerzy przestworzy bombardowani - wymieniając pierwszych z brzegu 

...przeczytać o

cichych ofiarach wojny na Ukrainie...
