środa, 2 marca 2022

...kwestia czy zostały dobrze odrobione...

i czytając pierwsze z brzegu...

"...I believe that at the heart of Russian military thinking is how Marshall Zhukov marched across Eastern Europe to Berlin," a former high-level CIA official told Newsweek in an interview. Zhukov's orders were to "line up the artillery and ... flatten everything ahead of you," he says. "'Then send in the peasant Army to kill or rape anyone left alive.' Subtle the Russians are not."..." - j.w.

...widać że już niechby tylko w samym Langley

o Pentagonie nie wspominając

czas zatrzymał się gdzieś w połowie ubiegłego wieku...

generałowie US Army, jej stratedzy, sztabowcy i analitycy rozczarowani, że "Putin" nie zrównał Ukrainy z ziemią... 

że rosyjscy żołnierze z poboru źle wyszkoleni i uzbrojeni nie zabijają swoich oficerów jak...

zabijali amerykańscy pod koniec wojny w Wietnamie[1] 

...że mimo swojego "zacofania" rosyjska armia jest równie precyzyjna w swoich działaniach jak amerykańska

"...Ukrainian health officials said that some 300 civilians had died and another 1,000 were wounded.

Though there have been numerous incidents where civilian objects were hit, none so far appear to be intentional; the proportion of civilian casualties and harm is on par with that of the United States in its high-intensity air wars..." - j.w. /interlinia T.L./...

że nie jest jej obce pojęcie "wojny humanitarnej" - cokolwiek znaczy ten...


...co to ja chciałem ?...

acha ! - już sobie przypomniałem - Rosjanie dotychczas nie zdobyli żadnego z większych miast Ukrainy ?

...widać pewnie ich sztabowcy to samo co i ja czytają...

"...Urban Warfare: Inevitable Challenge or Avoidable Distraction?


Can modern warfare be conducted in a city without causing massive destruction ?..." - za dużo tych pytań...

pora na odpowiedz

"...all of these questions assume the unavoidability of urban warfare. There are good reasons to believe this assumption. The world is becoming increasingly urban. Cities hold political, economic, and symbolic value, so an aggressor seeking to diminish an adversary state’s political stability, economic vitality, social cohesion, and national will might naturally see cities as attractive targets. Urban environments lend considerable advantages to a defending force, inviting a militarily weaker side in a conflict to seek sanctuary in cities and turn them into fortresses that provide protection, not only from enemy fires but also enemy intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance platforms. The list goes on.


not everyone agrees. Given the challenges cities pose, they argue, urban warfare can - and should -simply be avoided. Military forces should isolate cities and bypass them, not get pulled into an unnecessary street-to-street, building-to-building fight..." - j.n. /interlinie T.L./

...widać krew Ukraińców i Rosjan rozlewana nie na darmo...

posłuży nauce tym, co jeszcze się nie nauczyli...

- Wojna ? - West Pointa nie kończyłem to zapytam...

jaka jeśli gaz nadal z Rosji do Europy płynie...

i to 

- żeby było może nie od razu "śmieszniej" ale bez wątpienia humanitarnie -

 płynie przez

Polskę i Ukrainę...

"Szok i niedowierzanie. Ledwo padła deklaracja Niemców, że Nord Stream 2 nie dostanie certyfikacji w związku z inwazją na Ukrainę, a już rosyjski gaz zaczął płynąć przez system gazociągów na Ukrainie. Co więcej, płynie nawet przez Polskę..." - Mapa gazu w Europie. Oto skąd płynie. Rosja wcale nie dostarcza najwięcej (businessinsider.com.pl)

"MOSCOW, March 2. /TASS/. Western countries refused to discuss the establishment of a new European security architecture with Russia, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Al Jazeera.

"The West refused to cooperate with us on establishing a new European security architecture," Lavrov stressed.

However, the minister pointed out that "Russia has got many friends, and it is impossible to isolate it."[2]

...i wygląda na to że

pan Ławrow wie co mówi, choć słowo "friends" to za dużo powiedziane (...)

...odnotowaniem sobie i Muzom na dobranoc

"...The crisis in Ukraine has been a colossal failure of analysis and of diplomacy, with plenty of blame to share on all aides. The main victims, alas, have been the unfortunate Ukrainian people. As I've written before, I think the United States and the West played a key role in causing the crisis, mostly by failing to anticipate that Russia was going to respond forcefully and vigorously to what its leaders regarded as a gradual attempt to incorporate Ukraine into the West. One need not approve of Russia's response to recognize that the United States should have seen it coming and thought more carefully about our interests and objectives beforehand.

Since the collapse of the Yanukovych government, the United States and its allies have followed the usual playbook: ramping up sanctions and waiting for Moscow to cave and give us everything we want. Unfortunately, this view fails to recognize that Russia does have valid reasons to care about its border areas and still has cards to play. Sanctions are clearly hurting, but Putin probably anticipated them and has been willing to pay the price. In the meantime, sanctions aren't helping the sputtering European economy (see below), and Ukraine itself is going from bad to worse.

So my question is: Will someone get serious about real diplomacy, and make Putin an offer he's unlikely to refuse? Instead of building more bases in Eastern Europe, the United States and its allies should be working to craft a deal that guarantees Ukraine's status as an independent and neutral buffer state. And that would mean making an iron-clad declaration that Ukraine will not be part of NATO. (Just because many Ukrainians want to join doesn't mean NATO has to let them.) Recent proposals for a deal lack that essential ingredient and aren't going to solve the crisis. A "Finlandized" Ukraine might not be an ideal outcome, but it is better than watching the country get destroyed.Putin may reject such a solution, of course, but surely it deserves a serious attempt before things get even worse..." - Stephen M. Walt, "Foreign Policy" August 2014 via Przy porannym kubku kawy: ...patrzę w kalendarz i jeśli mnie wzrok nie myli... (tadeusz-ludwiszewski.blogspot.com)

[1] "...Najmocniej odczuwalnym problemem z dyscypliną w szeregach armii amerykańskiej stał się tzw. fragging (z ang. fragmentation – rozdrobnienie, rozbicie, rozpryśnięcie się), czyli wrzucenie granatu do namiotu lub strzał w plecy dowódcy, który np. wydał rozkaz wykonania zbyt niebezpiecznego, w opinii żołnierza, zadania. 

W latach 1969–1971 US Army donosiła o ponad 700 incydentach „fraggingu”, co zaowocowało 82 przypadkami śmierci i 651 zranień. Tylko w 1971 roku doliczono się 1,8 takich incydentów na każdy tysiąc żołnierzy..." - Wojna wietnamska – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

"...A total of 900 fragging and suspected fragging incidents were investigated, most occurring between 1969 and 1971..." Vietnam War - Wikipedia

[2]  West itself rejected dialogue on establishing new security architecture, says Lavrov - Russian Politics & Diplomacy - TASS