wtorek, 15 marca 2022

...czytajac niespieszno...

przy porannym kubku kawy

"BEIJING, March 10 (Xinhua) - A Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Thursday the United States should not undermine China's legitimate rights and interests in handling with ties with Russia, otherwise China will make firm and resolute responses..." - U.S. urged not to harm China's legitimate interests in handling ties with Russia-Xinhua (news.cn)

...i zaraz obok

"..."We have communicated very clearly to Beijing that we won't stand by," State Department spokesperson Ned Price told reporters on Monday. "We will not allow any country to compensate Russia for its losses."

The West is weighing how to deal with any involvement from China, top global exporter and No.1 foreign supplier of goods to Americans..." - U.S. warns China not to help Russia on Ukraine as first convoy flees Mariupol | Reuters

..."...We will not allow any country to..." ? - pewnie pan "Ned Price"/czytaj Antony J. Blinken/ miał na myśli...

Tuvalu bo

nie sądzę że Tonga - "...Jedno z nielicznych państw pozaeuropejskich, które nigdy nie utraciły suwerenności..." - za "Wikipedią"

...ale nie mam pewności - mogę tylko zgadywać...

"...ANKARA, March 13. /TASS/. Turkey will not join the sanctions some Western countries have imposed on Russia over the special operation in Ukraine, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told a diplomatic forum in Antalya on Sunday.


Turkey has repeatedly said it had no intention of joining sanctions against Russia so as not to harm its own economy and to keep the door open to a dialogue with Russia..." - Turkey will not join Western sanctions against Russia — foreign minister - Russian Politics & Diplomacy - TASS

...życząc tymczasem nie tylko sobie...

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