sobota, 12 lutego 2022

...i pewnie tak będzie...

"...for exemple..."...

"...Until the Kremlin feels that it has received the necessary security guarantees, it will likely continue to keep military pressure on the Ukraine border. It might deploy intermediate-range ballistic missiles in Belarus or even escalate in other hotspots in its immediate neighbourhood, such as Georgia. It may organise war games closer to Western Europe, as it did with recent naval exercises near Ireland. It could even show off military capabilities closer to US borders, by deploying hypersonic missiles on its submarines or setting up long-range missiles in Venezuela, for example..." - j.n.

...tak czy siak...

Jankee go Home...

"...Sullivan emphasised US deployments are defensive in nature and American forces would not engage in hostilities with Russian troops in the event of an invasion of Ukraine..." - j.w. dobry początek kolejnego weekendu wzorem mistrza Güntera Grassa "Im Krebsgang" 

...i dalej...

..."....When relations with Russia deteriorate somewhat - to the point that Moscow interferes with the West’s pursuit of its interests - Ukraine takes on potential tactical importance for the West. The United States and Europe can then use Ukraine to counterbalance or, more precisely, to signal their displeasure with Russian behavior by including Kiev in Western peacekeeping missions or in diplomatic initiatives in the United Nations, OSCE, and other international or regional institutions. 

When relations with Russia deteriorate to the point that a hostile Russia becomes a strategic threat to the West, Ukraine acquires immediate strategic importance for the United States and Europe. Under such conditions, Ukraine is not just a useful counterbalance to Russia but a central component of the West’s strategic defense against Russia. Ukraine’s importance to the West is thus a function of U.S. and European relations with Russia. In this case, the West would regard Ukraine as an ally similar in strategic importance to West Germany during the Cold War... [...]

...w wielkomocarstwowej poprawności postrzegania przez Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki Północnej jak i Rosji (a w przeszłości ZSRR) 

tak w tym przypadku Europy, Ukrainy...

...i całej reszty mniej lub bardziej zaangażowanych uczestników tego zdarzenia w istocie nie mających wpływu na jego przebieg i finał (...)..." - j.n. "...pan Steven R.Hurst pisze..."

...w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologów prowincjusza na dobry początek kolejnego weekendu niechby tylko sobie i Muzom...