piątek, 28 stycznia 2022

...EU amerykańskim z adopcji[1] "dzieckiem specjalnej troski" ?...

 retorycznym pytaniem jeśli czytam...

"...The State Department’s discussions with energy companies were led by senior adviser for energy security Amos Hochstein, a senior US State Department official told the Reuters news agency, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“The United States promised to have Europe’s back if there is an energy shortage due to conflict or sanctions,” another source told the agency. [...]

Qatari authorities did not immediately respond to a request for comment..." - j.w.

i dalej...

"...Global gas supplies are already tight and Qatari energy shipments are locked into long-term supply contracts which cannot be easily broken.

The EU would only be able to find alternative gas supplies in “rather smaller volumes from a multitude of sources” to make up for a Russian cutoff, according to a senior Biden administration official who spoke to The Associated Press news agency about internal deliberations on the condition of anonymity..." - US, Qatar leaders to meet amid Europe energy concerns | News | Al Jazeera

...ale - jak nie bez racji powiadają - "nie ma tego złego co by na dobre nie wyszło" jeśli tylko w Kijowie faktycznie uświadomiono sobie w końcu, że...

EU i NATO to 

politycznie kiepski kabaret z europejską karykaturą zaatlantyckiej "Barbie" von der Leyen i "Jasiem Fasolą" Stoltenbergiem w rolach głównych

"..."If Ukraine itself decides to abandon its plans to join NATO, adopting neutral status and decentralization with broad rights for the regions, then the conflict will be settled automatically," said Chalenko. /"...Ukrainian political analyst..." - j.n./...

...z drugiej strony

czy Ukraińcy nie uświadomili sobie tego zbyt późno ?

nie mnie o tym dziś rozsądzać 

bowiem w egzystencjalno fenomenologicznej poprawności monologów prowincjusza

nic ponad jak tylko w intencji dobrego trawienia pod datą

1 grudnia 2013 roku odnotowałem przestrogą co uważałem w tej kwestii[2] za...

godne odnotowania

"...Reading Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin’s mind has never been easy...[3]" ?...

"Jak nie potrafisz nie pchaj się na afisz" - mawiała moja Słodka Gołąbeczka...


 will be continued in a later installment ? - na koniec pytaniem cokolwiek ono tu znaczy...

[1] "...Adoption is not always a voluntary process. In some countries, for example in the U.K., one of the main origins of children being placed for adoption is that they have been removed from the birth home, often by a government body such as the local authority. There are a number of reasons why children are removed including abuse and neglect, which can have a lasting impact on the adoptee [...]

Although adoption is often described as forming a "forever" family, the relationship can be ended at any time. The legal termination of an adoption is called disruption. In U.S. terminology, adoptions are disrupted if they are ended before being finalized, and they are dissolved if the relationship is ended afterwards. It may also be called a failed adoption..." - Adoption - Wikipedia

[3] j.w. za "Politico"