niedziela, 1 lutego 2015

...z cyklu "psy szczekają, karawana idzie dalej"... mimo weekendowej pory ani mnie nie cieszy, ani tym bardziej nie bawi...

źródło od góry: "Rzeczpospolita", niżej "...mimo weekendowej już pory..." by T.L.

...w nieustającym zawstydzeniu...

...cóż z tego, że poniekąd łagodzonym bieżącymi doniesieniami...

"...Russia is blamed for the worst crisis with Europe and the West since the end of the Cold War, with some fearing it could explode into all-out war.

Yet in a chaotic world, Russia is still an important player with ties to many countries from the turbulent Middle East to the emerging economies of Latin America..."

...i dalej...

"..."Our basic problem is how do we stop the hot war on the ground in Ukraine, and not get into a more and more escalatory relationship with Putin," said Fiona Hill, director of the Brookings Center on the United States and Europe.

"It's a really tough challenge and I can't say that anybody's got all the answers now," she told AFP.

"But we need to start working on a frame right now where we figure out how we manage this relationship and how we put it on a different footing."..."

...i dalej...

"...A leaked EU document earlier this month suggested the annexation of Crimea should be put to one side to focus on how to talk to Moscow..."

...i dalej...

"...U foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini insisted no one was forgetting about Crimea, but she warned the 28-nation bloc had to learn how to live with its giant neighbor.

It "would be naive to think that Russia is just going to disappear from the scene," she said, arguing that "you cannot change geography."

"So the question is now how do you deal with that neighbor, today while we have a conflict going on, and in two years' time and in five years' time and in 10 years' time."..."

źródło: "AFP" via "Yahoo! News" - "Framing ties with Russia in a 'post' post-Cold War era" by Jo Biddle

...z Waszyngtonu...