wtorek, 9 września 2014

...czy aby tak do końca było to nieobecne...

...to ja nie był bym tego taki pewien...

"...The meeting was just the most recent disturbing example of how cavalierly and cynically the NATO leaders — including President Obama — have escalated tensions, while dismissing opportunities to bring the conflict to a reasonable conclusion quickly. Absent from the discussion in Wales, among other things, was any recognition of NATO members’ own roles in triggering the crisis. Despite the dominant narrative that Russia is to blame for Ukraine’s uncertain future, history tells a different story — one in which the West’s provocative behavior has had predictable repercussions..."

źródło: "The Washington Post"

...pomny praktyczności formuły "...czasami lepiej poczekać..."...

...odnotowując w międzyczasie sobie a Muzom co istotniejsze treści, które przy tej okazji wyszły spod pióra pani Katriny vanden Heuvel...

"...There would have been no civil war if the European Union’s leadership had not insisted on an exclusive association agreement..."

...i dalej...

"...Instead the U.S. and E.U. have encouraged the most radical elements in the Kiev government in their campaign to subjugate the east with military force — to seek a military solution to what is essentially a political problem in a deeply divided and economically fragile Ukraine..."

...w domknieciu wyznaczonym rygorami prawa do cytatu...

"...In this sense, NATO expansion is not a consequence of tension with Russia; it is the cause..."
