sobota, 31 maja 2014

...przeglądając przy sobocie agencyjne doniesienia...

...mówiące o niestosownej presji wywieranej na Republikę Francuską przez Amerykanów i ich polityczne cheerleaderki (...) z NATO w kwestii sprzedaży Rosjanom okrętów klasy "Mistral"...

"Amid growing Western pressure being put on Russia, US congressmen are calling on France to reconsider the sale of its two Mistral helicopter carrier ships to Russia and instead allow NATO to buy or lease them.

"The purchase would send a strong signal to [Russian] President (Vladimir) Putin that the NATO allies will not tolerate or in any way enable his reckless moves," Reuters quoted a letter sent to NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen as saying..."

źródło: "RT"

...sięgnąłem nie tyle pamięcią wstecz, co do "Wikipedii", gdzie czytam sobie a Muzom w wirtualnym monologu nic więcej, jak tylko tyle...

"...Opel became a share-limited company (German: Aktiengesellschaft) in 1929; United States-based General Motors took a majority stake in Opel that same year. General Motors assumed full control in 1931 and today Adam Opel AG is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors Company..."

(...In March 1929, General Motors (GM), impressed by Opel's modern production facilities, bought 80% of the company, increasing this to 100% in 1931...)

...i dalej...

"...Even after June 1940, official connections between Opel and America were not broken and monetary gain continued throughout the war which was controlled by the J.P Morgan firm..."

...z odnotowaniem zdarzeń roku 1942...

"...When in 1942 it became clearer that the fighting would go on for a while, car and truck factories were switched to war work in a modest way, Opel taking up the production of aircraft parts and tanks..."

źródło: "Wikipedia"

...jeśli coś pominąłem, to tylko komentarz, który wydaje się prowincjonalnemu poecie barowemu w tych okolicznościach skończenie zbędnym... co mogę w ten w końcu weekendowy wieczór być tylko wdzięcznym Bogu...

...kimkolwiek On jest...