piątek, 9 stycznia 2015

...jeśli zacytowałem uczennicę...

...otwierając tym wątek, którego starałem się do tej pory mniej lub bardziej świadomie (...) unikać...

źródło: "...jak na osobę w prezentacji jej profilu..." by T.L.

...to wypadało by też i nauczyciela...

"...Ramadan said the attacks came at a time when mainstream political parties in Europe had joined the far-right in attacking and stigmatising Islam and Muslims, adding that this remained a worrying trend on the continent..."

źródło: "Al Jazeera" - "Tariq Ramadan: The West, terrorism and Islam

"...Time magazine has twice recognized Ramadan: first in 2000, naming him one of the world's top 100 innovators of the 21st Century (one of the world's top 7 religious leaders),[citation needed] and again, in 2004, as one of the world's 100 most influential people.

In a free internet poll by Foreign Policy magazine, Ramadan was listed as one of the 100 top global thinkers in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012..." - źródło: "Wikipedia"

...i dalej dla wygody wyłącznie za "Wikipedią" nie wyczerpując przy tym tematu...

"...In a book published by Encounter Books, Caroline Fourest analysed Tariq Ramadan's 15 books, 1,500 pages of interviews, and approximately 100 recordings,[57][58] and concludes "Ramadan is a war leader" and the "political heir of his grandfather", Hassan al-Banna, stating that his discourse is "often just a repetition of the discourse that Banna had at the beginning of the 20th century in Egypt", and that he "presents [al-Banna] as a model to be followed."[20][59] She argues that "Tariq Ramadan is slippery. He says one thing to his faithful Muslim followers and something else entirely to his Western audience. His choice of words, the formulations he uses – even his tone of voice – vary, chameleon-like, according to his audience."[57] Tariq Ramadan responded that Caroline Fourest's book was filled with inaccuracies and untruths, a few of which she has acknowledged on her blog..." - źródło j.w. "Wikipedia"

...bowiem cała reszta, o której z takim zapałem rozpisują się światowe media przy każdej, kolejnej okazji...

collage by T.L. - "Google Images"

...to tylko "młot" przekuwający słowa w czyn że się tak górnolotnie wyrażę w wirtualnym monologu prowincjonalnego poety barowego sobie a Muzom...

...wydaje się w stosownych ku temu okolicznościach bez zbytniego jednak przekonania, czy aby nie co najmniej o jedną dekadę za późno...
