niedziela, 2 czerwca 2024


 ...dezintegracja EU na sposób oczywisty możliwa choć to...

proces złożony któremu przy tym brakuje ujednoliconej definicji...

"Certainly! The concept of European disintegration has been a topic of considerable attention in recent years. Let’s delve into it a bit further.

What is European Disintegration?

European disintegration refers to the unraveling or weakening of the European Union (EU) and its integration process. It encompasses the breakdown of cooperation, shared norms, and institutions that have characterized European integration for decades.

While the EU has faced multiple crises (such as the Eurozone crisis, Schengen crisis, and Brexit), the concept of disintegration remains complex and lacks a standardized definition. However, some manifestations of disintegration have become evident in various policy fields.

Signs of European Disintegration:

Brexit: The United Kingdom’s decision to leave the EU is perhaps the most prominent sign of disintegration. It represents a significant rupture in the EU’s unity and cooperation.

Schengen Crisis: The Schengen Agreement, which allows passport-free travel within participating countries, faced challenges during the migration crisis. Border controls were temporarily reintroduced, highlighting disintegrative features.

Rule-of-Law Crisis: Several member states have faced issues related to democratic backsliding and the erosion of the rule of law, contributing to disintegration concerns.

Drivers and Barriers:

Drivers of Disintegration:

Crises: Crises often precede and trigger disintegration. Economic, political, and social crises can strain EU cohesion.

Unknown Dynamics: Disintegration contains unpredictable and potentially uncontrollable dynamics, posing risks to the overall integration process.

Barriers to Disintegration:

Socio-Economic Interdependence: Despite challenges, high levels of economic interdependence among EU member states act as a barrier against complete disintegration.

Institutionalization: The EU’s institutional framework and legal norms provide stability and resilience.

A Way Forward:

Differentiated Integration: Policymakers can consider a more reflective use of “differentiated integration.” This approach allows for flexible cooperation among subsets of EU members, acknowledging diverse interests and capacities.

Vicious Triangle: Some scholars warn of a potential vicious triangle: the collapse of the Euro, followed by the collapse of the EU itself, and ultimately, the collapse of democracy in member states.

In summary, European disintegration remains a complex phenomenon, and policymakers must navigate its risks while preserving the gains of European integration"
 - Copilot AI