czwartek, 23 maja 2024

...krytyczne myślenie w skali globalnej...

Internetu ? 

..."...The dead internet theory is a reminder to be skeptical and navigate social media and other websites with a critical mind..." - "Asia Times" by Jake Renzella and Vlada Rozova

i zaraz obok

"...The theory serves as a reminder to critically evaluate the information we encounter on the internet and to be aware of the possible presence of non-human actors in digital interactions..." - ChatGPT

...niewykonalne już choćby tylko za sprawą...

współcześnie antropocentrycznego przeszacowania średniej statystycznej IQ człowieczego intelektu...

inteligencji naturalnej w konfrontacji z Artificial intelligence - więcej...

na przykładzie niechby tylko Wspólnoty "Tercja" Osiedla "Harmonia Oliwska" odnoszę wrażenie jakby...

już nie nieprawda nawet a instytucjonalno administracyjnie głoszone na niej wprost ordynarne kłamstwa (...)

sprawiały różnym ode mnie pokoleniowo moim współmieszkańcom i współwłaścicielom tejże...


seksualną przyjemność - jeśli ta konstatacja niechby tylko w ułamku byłaby niedaleka prawdzie to...

pierwszy raz w zapisach monologów przyjdzie odnotować...

...Lu, ty masz tu [...]...

...stosownym wydaje się tu sytuacyjnie dopowiedzeniem;

"Compromise is a fundamental aspect of democracy. In democratic systems, where power is distributed among various branches of government and among diverse groups of people with differing interests and viewpoints, compromise is essential for effective governance and the maintenance of social harmony. Here are some key points about the role and importance of compromise in democracy:

Balancing Diverse Interests

Pluralism: Democracies are characterized by the presence of multiple groups with differing interests, values, and beliefs. Compromise allows these groups to find common ground and work together, ensuring that no single group dominates the political landscape.

Inclusivity: Through compromise, minority opinions and interests can be included in the decision-making process, promoting inclusivity and reducing feelings of disenfranchisement.

Conflict Resolution

Peaceful Resolution: Democracies aim to resolve conflicts through dialogue and negotiation rather than through coercion or violence. Compromise helps manage and resolve conflicts peacefully.

Social Stability: By accommodating various interests and mitigating extreme positions, compromise contributes to social stability and reduces the risk of polarization and civil unrest

Ethical Considerations

Moral Balance: Compromise involves finding a balance between different ethical perspectives. It requires a willingness to respect and understand opposing views, promoting mutual respect and tolerance.

Collective Good: While individuals or groups may have to concede on certain points, the overall aim of compromise is to serve the collective good and promote the general welfare.


Compromise is essential for the functioning and sustainability of democracy. It enables diverse groups to coexist and collaborate, facilitates effective governance, and ensures that policies are balanced and inclusive. While it can be challenging, especially in polarized environments, the ability to compromise is a crucial skill for democratic leaders and citizens alike."
 - ChatGPT...
