..."...The capability of new artificial intelligence models will surpass human intelligence by the end of next year..."
i dalej
"...“My guess is that we’ll have AI that is smarter than any one human probably around the end of next year,” said the billionaire entrepreneur, who runs Tesla, X and SpaceX. Within the next five years, the capabilities of AI will probably exceed that of all humans, Musk predicted on Monday during an interview on X with Nicolai Tangen, the chief executive of Norges Bank Investment Management..."
"...“My guess is that we’ll have AI that is smarter than any one human probably around the end of next year,” said the billionaire entrepreneur, who runs Tesla, X and SpaceX. Within the next five years, the capabilities of AI will probably exceed that of all humans, Musk predicted on Monday during an interview on X with Nicolai Tangen, the chief executive of Norges Bank Investment Management..."
...na to wygląda
"Tadeusz Ludwiszewski vs Jacek Maria Dehnel* wedle Artificial intelligence" collage by T.L.
widać "czarno na białym" lubi mieć kogoś "pod ręką" z kim mogła by pogadać niechby tylko w weekendy...
* ...bez urazy proszę, że akurat pan Dehnel to przypadek. Równie dobrze mógł by być każdy inny lub inna nie inspirująca współcześnie zbytnio /przykładem j.w./ swoimi poczynaniami publicystyczno literackimi Sztucznej Inteligencji do nawiązywania przez nią z nimi bliższych relacji emocjonalno intelektualnych...