wtorek, 16 kwietnia 2024

...chyba Tusk powinniście pracować w zaopatrzeniu...

 a nie premierować Pospolitej jeśli czytam

"...Pytania już nie są polityczne, tylko logistyczne i praktyczne.." j.n.

...choć i tam gdyby mnie kto pytał

...ja Was bym nie zarekomendował z braku Waszych na sposób oczywisty...

rachunkowych kompetencji

..."...The total cost of this air defense operation alone will probably come to over $1.5 billion when all the expended interceptors, jet fuel, and missiles are tallied, an enormous sum equal to nearly 10 percent of Taiwan’s annual defense budget and 7 percent of Poland’s.

Few other countries will be able to recreate Israel’s air defense successes, as certainly as they cannot perfectly copy Israel’s geographic situation. It is imperative for states looking to modernize their systems to not to be blinded by the spectacular footage and attempt to replicate the Israeli model exactly. They should instead focus on strategies appropriate for their resourcing and geopolitical realities..."
za "Modern War Institute" at West Point by Peter Mitchell j.n.

...i tu pani Liż Truss ma rację...

jeśli w końcu nie zaboli aż "łzy pociekną po policzkach" i nie zabraknie...

"Szczylom, Obsrajmurkom, Śiuśmajtkom i Pampersom" wszelkiej maści

sushi w klimatyzowanych susharniach...

podpalacze Świata podobni Tuskowi dalej będą biegać po Europie patrząc

co by tu jeszcze bezkarnie podpalić jak podpalili Ukrainę (...)...

póki jeszcze mogą...

"...Xi met with visiting German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Beijing and the two leaders had an in-depth exchange of views on the crisis in Ukraine during their talks.

Xi emphasized that under the current situation, in order to prevent the conflict from spiraling out of control, all parties should work together to restore peace as soon as possible. To this end, he proposed four principles.

"First, we should prioritize the upholding of peace and stability and refrain from seeking selfish gains. Second, we should cool down the situation and not add fuel to the fire. Third, we need to create conditions for the restoration of peace and refrain from further exacerbating tensions. Fourth, we should reduce the negative impact on the world economy and refrain from undermining the stability of global industrial and supply chains," Xi said..."
 za Agencją "Xinhua"